16 / 19
Nov 2018

I plan to introduce a new character to my comics - he will probably appear two chapters later or so. Here is his concept art:

The biggest problem is that I don't know how to name him (I'm not good in naming at all!)!
There is a bit about his personality:

  • He is a big furry cat mutant, resembling Pallas's cat (manul), male.
  • He is much more clever than average cat and also has very mischievous and naughty temper.
  • He can move his eyeballs independently from each other, as chameleon can.
  • His current occupation is to catch mouses and rats in gray-haired killer's house (killer's name is Clay, so I'll use it further). Sometimes he leave his house, walk and hunt on his own, then return.
  • He have lost his paw, and Clay replaced it with mechanical arm, purposed for humans cyborgs, so now this cat can walk and run again and even manipulate small items.
  • He is attached to Clay and often brings him killed small animals.
  • It's Clay who have invented the name of the cat, according to the plot of comics.

I hope I've listed the main features... so please, considering this, help me to come up with the proper name for this cat! (= ФェФ=) I will be grateful for any suggestions.
But don't hurry, of course, because, as I've said already, I will introduce him in comics only after some time.

  • created

    Nov '18
  • last reply

    Dec '18
  • 18


  • 2.2k


  • 18


  • 51


Are you looking for a name that is same as for humans? Like Arthur or Terry
or are you looking for pet names? Like Whiskers, Mittens, Fluffy etc?

Personally I'd name him King.
Or go for some famous killer name, considering the occupation of the owner.

How about Chaise or Makya? Both mean hunter, with the latter is a native American name that mean eagle hunter.

an odd creature with an odd arm in a cyberpunk setting
i suggest you call it.........Gizmo!

If you love literary names it can be: Dorian, Faust, Mephistopheles, Cthullu, or even Devill, Ville, Moriarty have fun!!

I suck at naming but here I go:
- CC (the name of first cloned cat)
- Smilodon (the genus name of saber tooth tiger, sounds ancient)
-Hercules (both homage to a biggest living liger, and the mythological figure.)

if the arm was put on before his name i would say Digit
otherwise Bob (the blob)

I think Napoleon works well for him, not sure why though

If he usually keeps one eye closed like in the image I'd call him Odin! To me it fits since Odin gave up an eye for wisdom, and you cat is smarter than the average.


Sorry. I guess I just have a thing for giving silly names to very threatening characters...

If you want a fierce or intimidating sounding name, I'd suggest Killer or Zodiac (after the Zodiac Killer).

If you want a name that sounds fierce, ruthless, and a little silly, name the cat Chairman Miao. (It's what I called my brother's cat, because he was an evil dictator a la Mao, except the name's Miao because he's a cat. He actually answered to that name, too.)

If you want a name that's literary and a little silly, I'd suggest Percy, after Percy Bysshe Shelley, a fantastic poet and great intellect, but by most accounts not a very nice guy. His fame was (deservedly, IMO) eclipsed by that of his wife Mary, who wrote Frankenstein.

And if we want to go scary but silly, I'd suggest FrankenKitty.

Pallus cats are from northern Asia, right? I would call him Tunguska of he is destructive. If he is more lazy, I would call him Grizzly after the Black Grizzly of Siberia.

I'd suggest Scratch, Ruzty/Rusty, Zygzag, Pixel or PXL, Minus/Mynus. :slight_smile: :smile:

13 days later

Maybe..... Brutus? Or mayhaps... Jameson? Something long, like, Yosemite.

12 days later

Thanks everybody. I've decided to call it King. :sunglasses:
But reading all suggestions was fun!