Knowing how much creators like to get them and understanding that it's a small and simple way to show that I really appreciate the story.
Usually just anxiety about saying something dumb or occasionally just being so busy that I still want to catch the update but don't have the mental energy.
Mmm probably plot related comments and predictions or observations about the characters and situation. I leave compliments too I think?
what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
A) The author asked a specific question I wanted to answer, and I didn't see other people with my response
B) I found something incredibly impactful/emotional/clever and wanted to thank the author for making Feel Big Emotions
C) Thought of a dumb pun
why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
As much as I love getting comments, it just doesn't occur to me to leave them. When I'm in a story, I just don't think about that stuff.
Even when I try, I often freeze up. I have pretty bad social anxiety, so I tend to overthink comments and then feel stupid for leaving them.
what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
See my answers to 1.
- I'm a creator myself, and even though I'm not aiming for stuff like "big money" and "uber popularity", I know how it feels when nobody seems to care about the stuff you post and how, on the other hand, even a simple comment like "hey, I love this page!" can make your day. So I try to show my support to fellow creators whenever I can
like others, I also tend to comment more when there's funny jokes, a big reval or a particularly emotional moment.
- Anxiety, the feeling/knowledge that the creator might react badly (I've seen people -edit: not on Tapas/Webtoon/ComicFury- getting offended at comments like "I love this" and claiming that readers should either put "more effort" in their comments or leave no comments at all... in those cases, I refrain from commenting), anxiety, not knowing what to say (usually because... well, yes, I already said that "I love your work" and I feel silly repeating myself), anxiety, the fear that I might have misinterpreted a situation. Hey, did I mention "anxiety"?
- In English speaking spaces, my comments tend to be mostly emotional and supportive. I offer criticism only when requested, and I usually refrain from sharing theories unless I'm a. familiar with the creator and their work and b. 100% sure that what I'm going to say isn't going to sound silly. English is not my first language, so I'm always scared that I might have misunderstood something and that my theories might be perceived more as a demonstration that I didn't understand anything about the story and its characters D: I'm less anxious about this when it comes to stories written in my native language, but eh... there aren't many around on Tapas, I'm afraid
I'll happy to help you with your research as well, if you don't mind of course.
There's actually quite a bit of different factors that motivate me to comment, but I mostly feel the most motivated to comment under comics/novels on days when I feel pretty relaxed and less shy.
Well, I'm somewhat of an introverted and shy person, so that's the main reason why I don't usually comment.
I usually try to say something supportive, or maybe something funny.
As long as i'm logged in ,i will comment on whatever i read, if i get invested in story i would comment something about plot (theory or like comment about certain character), if i'm not that invested i would comment something like "good job so far" or something similar (this doesn't mean these stories are bad, just that i don't really follow plot THAT much)
I am a creator and I know how much comments mean to me, so I try to leave them for others as well. Plus, seeing comments already there will spark more comments from certain timid readers.
I don't leave comments as much on comic strips or single page comics because sometimes it's just too short to comment on. If a story already has countless comments and the author never replies to them, it also discourages me; I rarely comment on Premium series or anything on Webtoon for this reason.
I like to leave dumb jokes, as well as supportive ones about what I liked... very rarely constructive ones.
what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
If something happened in the comic that gave me strong feelings that have not been expressed in other comments, if I'm reading the other comments and have a reply, if a cringy joke is stuck in my head
why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
Most of the time I have nothing interesting to say, and I'm scared of leaving content-free supportive comments like "I love this!" because then I feel obligated to leave such comments on the work of everyone I interact with otherwise they'd think/know I wasn't that impressed
what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
Replies to other comments, jokes
@Llyrel Oof ... I mean, I personally don't need those kinds of comments myself as a creator and don't reply to them, but I'd never tell my readers off for leaving them. I know they're just trying to be supportive, and I won't want them to be scared off from giving support to other creators they like who actually needs it. I just like and move on.
@thedude3445 I'm kind of the opposite; I don't care that much about the author seeing my comment but I like joining in on discussions, whereas my mind goes blank if there's no-one else to bounce off of
1. what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
Something unexpected happening, really good art, the comic just generally being good.
2. why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
A lot of the time I just don't have anything to say. Or maybe what I wanted to say has already been commented. Sometimes I just don't have time because I'm on the go or working or maybe not enough happened in the update for me to comment. Especially if it's just a one page update.
3. what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc
I like to compliment creators on their art and/or writing. Just generally encourage them, since they're working for free or very little.
i guess, i should answer too
1. what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
** just like other creators have said, i know that comments help with algorithms and such. so now whenever i see 0 comments and i like the episode, i have to say something.
** i also leave comments if i found something exciting.
** sometimes i try to be helpful in a technical sense and point out that there's an image file missing, something like that.
2. why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
sometimes there's just... no emotion. or i just have nothing to say and feel like i better wait until the next episode. if someone already said what i was thinking.
3. what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
emotional, jokes. i almost never write theories.
Hello! I have social anxiety, so commenting is super difficult for me, but I try to leave one if: 1)it’s clear that the author put in a lot of effort/did an excellent job on the art and/or writing 2)something really surprising/suspenseful/silly happens 3) the author explicitly asks for feedback on something 4) me and other people in the comments are trying to come up with theories for what happens next or 5) it’s a new series and I want the author to know that they are doing great so far.
My answers are pretty simple.
1. Because I like to show my apprication to either the writer/artist, what happens on each page, what the characters say and how they act.
2. Either nothing really happens that's not worth commenting over, or if what I want to say can be taken the wrong way and I can't find a way to word my comment better.
3. Any of those.
- Good story lines, fun characters or clever writing. And sometimes sympathy, the realization that the author is probably also desperate to hear what we think & doesn't get to hear it often enough.
- If none of the above are in the story or I can't think of anything intelligent to say.
- Usually I leave comments about characters or plot twists, such as speculating on why something happened or where it may lead.
what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
I like getting comments on my works, so I assume other creators also like that kind of support ( :
why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
If what I wanted to say was already covered by lots of other comments, or if there are only 1-3 comments but author does not interact with them at all. Of course I understand different timezones etc, but just leaving comments hanging there in a void makes me think that the author doesn't like comments.
what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
Emotional / supportive / theory crafting, depending on the page. Mostly what I like about the page or expressing my love towards characters, or just my thoughts on their current situation cx
1. what motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
I rarely comment on things, be them webcomics, YT vids, or Social Media. The only time I do comment if I can bring a unique insight that has not been brought up yet. Tho I do often delete my comments if I see a bunch of others saying the same thing. I will sometimes reply to comments on my webcomics if I need to clear up confusion.
2. why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
I am very shy and I don't like internet drama in comment sections. I don't want to cause a fuss or just say something that everyone else is saying.
3. what types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
I am sort of an odd cookie, I tend to comments in the form of obscure factoids, be it about something I experienced or some facts about something the authors might be unfamiliar with. I know I shouldn't be responding like that, but that is sort of how I talk IRL.
1. What motivates you to leave comments on webcomics?
If I get really emotional while reading (positive or negative emotions), I’m likely to comment
2. Why do you hesitate and do not leave a comment?
Sometimes I type a comment out and then second guess myself right before I hit send. Especially if there’s lots of other comments, I assume that mine won’t matter
3. What types of comments do you usually leave: emotional, supportive, constructive, theory crafting, etc?
I leave all sorts of comments, but rarely touch on constructive or theories. If I’m not sure what to comment but I really want to, I try to find a line from the story that I really liked
1) I think it's interesting to note that my comment habits specifically toward webcomics are different from my habits toward something like a piece of artwork or a tweet. I tend to only leave comments when I actively follow the story, since my investment will allow me to provide more substantial feedback. Popcorn comments like "This is cute" or "Very nice!" serve the same purpose as the like button, so I only get motivated to comment when I have something to say.
2) Since I'm only motivated when I have feedback to give, my default state is to hesitate rather than comment automatically. One reason I abstain from commenting is a feeling of futility in my feedback. For instance, if the comment I was going to make was already said by someone else, or the story is 10 years old and no longer active.
3) When it comes to leaving feedback, I try to comment in the way I would want someone to comment on my story. Generally, I like to state the observations I made about the comic in such a way that dives into the world and characters. Describing things like what I interpret characters to be thinking, what something might mean symbolically, that one plot hole I noticed, where the story might be going next. My aim is to provide "author-focused feedback," information that would be more pertinent to the creator than myself.
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