Attention folks! I have some miraculous rock right here!. A rock?, you may be thinking....but this is not an ordinary the legendary Rocky the rock!. It may look and behave like a regular rock, but smart people like you know better, right?. That`s right. See?, he is an inspiring hero and a great rolemodel for ladies, gentlemen and for your children too!. A miraculous tale for all of has to be seen to be believed!
Hear me, ladies, gentlemen, and people of the forums! Boredom got you down? Need a bit of action in your lives? A hint of passion and fellow assassins murdering space-creatures like there's no tomorrow? Well, then! You've come to the perfect place. See, this one here, below, in this post, yes? Yes! It has all of that and more! You will cry, you will laugh, you will fear and tremble in your seats! But most importantly: Your woes of boredom will be cured! Yes, see here, the solution is always: EMBARGO!

Ladies and gentlemen, I see you fine folk are lookin' for a comic-based cure! I see you hungerin' and hankerin' for somethin' strange, unnatural, dare I say SUPERNATURAL? Well see, ladies and gentlemen, you've come to the right place. Yes sir, see here I got the miracle comic cure for your aches and pains.
LEGIO ARCANA, ladies and gentlemen! A comic guaranteed to cure everythin' from demonic possession, greyscale, the red death, fae fever, to the common boredeom. You want magic, you want monsters, you want hauntin's and howlin's and horrors to chase away the mundane malaise, by Jove, have we got 'em in spades. And how!
That's right, folks, Legio Arcana is the penny dreadful for the modern man! Fine folk such as yourselves deserve only the finest comic so step right up and take this tapastic tonic! And if that's not reason enough, see this life-changin' comic can be yours for only the price of a link click! Act now and we'll throw in a subscription to this elixir of entertainment free of cost!
My good man, do you struggle with the nine to five? Is life raining on your parade? Trouble comin' at ya from every which'a'way?
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Gather 'round! Gather 'round, folks! Keep your ears and eyes wide, 'cause i've got just what'cha need to get a refreshing bucket of good ole' Earth patented water on to sci-fi/fantasy webcomics!
Now you might be thinkin': "What's this about, sir? Is it about a space cadet who shoots villains? Is it an angsty story about teenagers on a cyberpunk-ist society on mars? Or is it a shameless Star Wars rip off?"
And I tell ya, it's none of 'em! It's a story about a girl livin' with her family in a slowly recovering post-apocalyptic millennial society! Now, different from other post apocalypse stories, this story takes place multiple millennia after the fall at Earth! So much so, that no one even remembers anything 'bout it! A brand new story of humanity among the stars! Take a look, and stay around, folks! As it is just the beginning of the story! New pages are released every two days!
Alright, listen up ladies and gents! I've got a treat for those who like a little drama with a side of thrill, see! òwó Ya like monsters? Ya like killing monsters? Well, I hope not! 'round here, we don't do that anymore, see?
It's up to two young ladies to keep their town safe, putting their short, short lives on the line for those of you who don't even believe in the supernatural, see! Yessiree, this story's got it all! Why, I hear reading it will improve your very eyesight with enough time!
So, what're you waiting for? Get your piece while it's HOT!
Hello everybody, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your round of applause, you have to see this!
I have a unique story for you made with all my love in writing, filled with adventures and exciting moments. A fantasy story that will cure your heart and surely make you smile. It can also give you chills down your spine, but see don't fret because it has some comedy moments that can make you laugh! See it for yourselves!
Students of grade 12 B had been gone missing. Unknown to others, they've been transported into a magical world.
Where all fantasies, and magic begins... a world uncertain, a world you can't forget.
See Ladies and gentle men, you have to follow their journey in Mirror Mirror on the Freaking Damn Wall!
Why hello there ladies and gentlemen, Dashing Danny here to tell you, you, and yes, YOU about the latest and greatest in scientific romance! In an aetherically separated world parallel to our own the champions of civilization itself clash with the strange, the uncanny, the absolutely bizarre creature that is Stardust the Super Wizard!
Buy yourself a copy of this miraculous story of daring do and phantasmal fantasy today for the miraculously low, low, LOW price of 1 view! Yes sir, just 1 view! This story is just too important as a work of culture to keep it out of reach of you, the hard working salt of the earth common man!
Our story is guaranteed by the Minnesota College of Metaphysicians to give you pep and vigor, success in love, success in war, and general wellness and peace of mind!
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Hey, you! Yes, you! Are you tired of reading fantasy novels about characters with lives? Do you ever look in the mirror and think, "I just want to read something about someone who spends twelve hours a day cooped up in their apartment, and the other twelve at work?" Good news, then, because Nimue's Bar is here!
See, when you start reading, you can forget about the chronic pain caused by magic swords, chosen ones, and emotionally unavailable but highly attractive werewolves. Instead, enter a mystical world of urban horror, poor decisions, and misguided attempts to stave off oppressive loneliness!
Now you kids out there might be thinking to yourself: That sounds like quite an "edgy" read! Well, fellow kids, see here: This story isn't "edgy," it's "lit," as in literally garaunteed to capture your adult life, see!* Get yourself a copy today!
Nimue's Bar: Fantasy so real that it's unfortunate!
*Provided, of course that your adult life involves you forcibly being turned into a horrifying undead monstrosity, see.
@Pan it's official you come up with the craziest post!

Ladies and gentlemen! Gather 'round, gather 'round! Boy have I got a story for you! Are you sick of fantasy stories centered around 'the chosen one'? Are you sick of high-and-mighty elven characters who look down their noses at you and slovenly dwarven characters tied to a mold? Are you sick of overdeveloped magic systems and underdeveloped characters? Are you sick of outrageously beautiful, blue-eyed main characters falling in love? Inheritance is just the cure!
See! A young fairy man who was locked in a tower from 6-to-18 try to function outside of his prison! See! A hundreds-of-year-old warrior-maiden who gave up everything feminine so she could be a soldier! See! Effectively developed, unique characters splash across the page! See! A one-sided love affair between the weird-looking fairy and an old warrior-maiden! There's not a cliche elf or dwarf to be seen in this cure for your fantasy malaise!
(this is hilarious by the way)
Ladies and gentlemen!
Step up and see this new creation!
Are you tired of love triangles? Tired of the same-old character choosing the "better" love interest? Well I have just the cure for you! Introducing My Mother's Boss2 a different take on the love triangle.
You won't regret it, I promise