40 / 171
Mar 2021

I may not be able to deliver eggstraordinary puns, but I hope some people might become eggstatic reading my comic instead!~

I'm very egg-static to share my egg-citing comic! I do hope you don't egg-nore my egg-cellent art

My villainous MC learns that just like an omelet, you can't have a perfect relationship without breaking a few leggs.

Battam Witch Egg. :3c

My comic updates twice a week (Tues and Thurs) one page per update. I usually get about 20-30 comments per update, and I'm at 17.8k subs right now, nice! My series is intended to a slightly older audience, so I don't usually enter stuff like this because I want to be respectful and a bit lowkey... but, I just love colorful eggs too much not to at least draw Battam egg!

Hmm, I don't know much about eggs, but I've heard hen-cyclopedias are the best place to get facts about them!

Speaking of hen-cyclopedias, my comic is about an egg-cellent magical one:

Laught-EGG is a good way to EGG-sercize your stomm-EGG

Hope these PANS were a good EGG-sample

Omelette you finish, but my eggo keeps egging me on. So beat it and scramble. :sunglasses:

See this egg? That's the main character, I heard he was suddenly auctioned and gosh the price was pretty eggspensive! Now he's questioning his eggsistence.

I wasn't sure eggs-actly what you wanted. I dozen know if this will land sunny-side up or over easy, but this was my brain's scrambled idea:

Why did the celebrity egg lose all of her friends? They all thought she was a shell-out...

Egg puns? This'll be a great eggsercise. This is eggactly what my humor need. Eggciting.

... Okay, enough egg puns, that's eggshausting

Egg puns? I got one that'll make you crack up.

Ah wait- Are puns yolks? I like to think they are.

But forgets the puns and the yolks, I have the henest truth that will scramble your brains.

The egg came first. With eggvolution, a creature that resembled a chicken would had laid an egg, and that egg, out from its shell , would be what scientists would considered a chicken. So there you go, the answer to the never ending eggbate of which came first, the chicken, or the egg.

I rest my case.

It's a humpty dumpty reference. Figured with being Cumbrian I may as well craic the egg.

As an Indian, I've been around excellent English-speaking individuals who defy the reason to even create an egg pun when they pronounce exactly as 'eggjactly' all the time. As someone who used to do the very same thing as a child, I am proud to be able to wear this easy batch of eggs on my chest, with a bright and sunny smile. :smile:

Where do chickens get their knowledge from?
An egg-cyclopaedia

Not very eggstatic about my lack of or-egg-inality with these yolks. I was going to b-egg someone to eggstend a hand to help me but now I have crack outta my shell.
Now I shall take part in this and eggaggeratedly sound eggsplosively eggcited and whisk an eggcelent, eggstravagant, eggstraordinarily bad yolk.

May this e(gg)vent be successful!

...I know that my humor is kinda scrambled, but I hope that I'd be able to crack y'all up. I know I'm not a comedi-hen at all, but please don't be a rotten egg and bear with me. I'd be terri-fried if this doesn't work out well. I'm trying to stay on the sunny side up here, after all. 🥚:egg:

What better duo to turn into eggs than my favorite bickering Archangels?! With that being said, enjoy my delusional night thoughts of Gabriel and Uriel being whisk-y :sweat_02:

P.S. I have no idea why I did this. :cry_swag: Tho I think I wouldn’t mind getting some archangel eggs for eastern :rofl:

A Chicken made deals to scramble his gambling debts. When asked if he was feathered for cash, he said, "No, I'm egging out to Hawaii tonight."

Eggcuse me? I can eggknowledge that I'm a chicken, alright. Don't egg me on.

aww this picture is really cute :slight_smile: I looked into your webcomic and I really like your art style and the story looks also really interesting :slight_smile: I leave a sub <3

Gather round, my chickens, and I will tell you a most eggcellent tale about a man, whose skin is as pale and fair as an eggshell, and a woman, whose skin is as healthy, luscious, and brown as a freeranged chicken eggshell. His life has hardly landed sunnyside up, and her life has been scrambled as scrambled eggs since the beginning--however, this hardboiled egg don't crack easily, and she is determined to rescue the pale man before someone cracks him, and his pristine yolk is spilled. Joining them on this adventure is a most devilish, deviled egg by the name of Them, and a most orderly, high-class, grade A egg by the name of Kori. Together, can these eggs overcome their spoiled, yolky insides inherited by their parents and become healthy, fullgrown chickens of their own?

Follows Tapas guidelines: Yes


Is it bad that I laughed at a couple of my own egg puns? XD

I've got a pun that will CRACK you up. Wait, no, I'm too CHICKEN to tell it. Just EGGNORE this comment.

I present you! :smug_01:

An egg-quisite pun!

...Yeahhhh, that was horrible, I'll see myself at the eggs-it now...

I still wanna win though-