11 / 16
Jul 2021

As the title suggests, what characters from your novel/comic would sing if they go to a karaoke bar and they have sing either on stage or in front of their friends because they were pressured to sing. Share them down below!

As for my characters, I feel like the mc and another character who hasn't appeared. They would sing this in a duet.

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Gunhild: hardcore screamo/Grindcore death metal.
Ingrid: The Beatles
Thor: ACDC
Sif: Bjork (probably the Biopholia, Homogenic or Debut albums)
Loki: Lady Gaga or Elton John
Sigrun: Anything by Katy Perry

Natsumi - 80s cheese
Fuyumi - J-Pop
Keanu - Alt Rock
Rose - Death Metal
Lok - Latin Folk

I have this headcanon according to which Aaron's voice pretty much sounds like that of Steve Lee from Gotthard, so something like this:

Would basically be his performance :'D

He'd also probably try to get both Adrian and Tyresias to sing on stage and pick songs for them based on artists they like, sooo...

Born to run by Bruce Springsteen for Adrian (in which he misses half the words, not because he doesn't know them, but because he's too shy to sing in front of an audience XD):

Firework by Katy Perry for Tyresias (in which she totally slays... everyone's ears :smiley: girl can't sing for the life of her :'D)

Scruffy Dude: A lot of Billy Joel, with some Elton John, maybe some Paul Simon, Don Mclean, and the Eagles. (He'd also have an absolute blast, he'd love karaoke.)

The Merry Maiden: Most likely a jazz ballad, though get a few drinks in her, and she'd belt out 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' like a pro.

Glitch: Barbie Girl, everything from the Spice Girls, and the most annoying ABBA songs. Also, Metallica.

Boxer: Eye of the Tiger, and the YMCA.

Blues Scale: He'd get up there and play saxophone instead.

Myriam: Secrets ...try to stay upbeat

Sylvie: Any Way You Want It ...really rock out

Chrissy: Work This Body... would dance, trip on a cord and fall down mid song

Genevieve: Pumped Up Kicks... carefree singing

Julie: (If there was) Any Other Way... but nobody can hear her

Natalie: Crocodile Rock.. but is tone-deaf

Elo: It Ain't Me... sings it beautifully

Elise: Shots... But would read "Socks" instead of "Shots"

Dawn: Man! I Feel Like a Woman!... would dance too

Samantha: Everybody's Fool... like a pro

Em: What Is Love... probably would think this is cool

Charles: Girls Just Want to Have Fun... would sound like a dying seagull

Lindsay: Nothing. She'd never step foot in a karaoke bar.

He would sing everything. Anything and everything that comes to mind. Every song on the list. He'd have the Mike all night.
At some point in the comic he'll make a friend who'd also want to sing everything, but especially anything loud or showy, and so they sing a lot of duets. Actually they jump at every opportunity to make music together, especially when they can put on a show. It's fine. They're musicians. Extremely skilled ones at that. They can get away with it.

Amy would sing Control by Hasley
Mari would sing Darkside by Alan Walker
That's all I can think of lol

Lucifer would clearly sing this as it's his favourite song (basically because it is about him)

As for Amèlia... she would probably sing some classic song of her times, maybe this one?

(it makes me nostalgic as it was a song my grandpa sometimes listened to)
I'm sure Tumael would sing something funny cause probably he thinks he doesn't sing good, but I'm not sure what. Maybe Bohemian Rapsody together with Beelzebub (her favourite song) and Azazel



And I'm sure the funniest part would be Michael singing some random christian music but he sings very bad, though he doesn't seem to care much

(Sorry for the spam, I always like to show pics while talking about my characters, I feel like it is more understandable)

Enkal is actually a pretty good singer, but he would take so much convincing. Left to his own devices he’d probably pick something like “Can’t Fight this Feeling” by REO Speedwagon, but the rest of the crew would be lobbying hard for “Danger Zone” (yes, the song from Top Gun).

Carolina will happily and enthusiastically sing just about anything. Fun, upbeat tunes are her favorite so she’ll generally go for something like “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen or “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars. It should be noted that she’s a terrible singer, but considers that everyone else’s problem.

Joseph would make a big show of singing something like “Ain’t No Grave” by Johnny Cash, but in his heart what he wants to sing is “Firework” by Katy Perry. Carolina knows this.

Andy tends to start with songs like “Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz, but by the end of the night he’s belting half of Panic at the Disco’s entire discography. Often with Carolina as backup.

Sybil is a robot and doesn’t really have vocal chords. She’ll make a big fuss about not being sure if she can sing and needing to be convinced, and then just plays the actual recording. The volume increases whenever someone complains. Either that or she just starts playing an instrumental EDM track.

Callis would attempt to sign anything and completely fail. His throat isn't made for it (Literally)

Novus is a smarty pants, he would go for something by Talking Heads, like Once in a Lifetime.

In canon they wouldnt find any song they know :sweat_02:
but for the thread purpouses:

Liar: He doesnt have a good voice but he will goof and dance around while singing to make up for the embarrassment

Ira: Has a decent voice for singing and for everyone's surprise he would go with this instead rock or so

Caelis: He has a beautiful voice and could go between these 2 at karaoke