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That's a fair point. I am sometimes shocked by Tapas users who admit to being 12 in the comments of webtoons that are approaching mature content (I'm not saying I didn't read age inappropriate material at 12, but I certainly didn't admit to it publicly). However, there isn't currently a way to verif…
I agree with darthmongoose. If I see an ad more than a week before the comic comes out, I will completely forget about it by the time it actually comes out because in-between I will have read a number of other comics. Your description has a number of grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. It's d…
Graphic novels are fundamentally novels. They should have the structure of a novel with a fairly clear beginning, climax, and end. It should be evident what the primary conflict of the plot is. Some comics are episodic - parallel to short stories, rather than novels. They may have multiple conflicts…
That would be the Tapas comment section, and their frequent calls for murdering obnoxious characters.
This is kind of the "duh" answer, but you make characters look different by giving them different features. You have that going with the hairstyles. What other differences can you add? Height, high/low cheekbones, thick/thin eyebrows, strong/rounded chins, shoulder breadth, etc. I suggest finding…
There's way too much going on there for the first page. When you fully flesh it out, you may find that this sequence of events is your entire first chapter or very nearly. Right now, it's a wall of text. It needs some white space. Split it into readable paragraphs (ex: The start of the dream sequ…
It's totally normal for people to offer up free furniture; as they move, downsize, go through different life stages, etc. Selling furniture takes time and energy that you might not have, and much of it doesn't have a high resale value. My third cousin gave me a dining room set, but we ended up leavi…
I have a hard time reading badly written novels. It's the main reason I tend to avoid webnovels. Some are well-written, but they aren't the majority. There are works I enjoy that are raw and not fully edited. Minor editable mistakes are annoying, but bearable. It's the plot holes big enough to drive…
It's a perfectly respectable short. The art quality is consistent, and the story line can followed, despite the lack of dialogue. I'm not clear on the background of the mystery boy, but I'm okay with that because it's a short. I mostly agree with darthmongoose. I would like to re-iterate, though,…
I also went abroad about a month before turning 21. A lot of states, including mine, have loophole laws, so I was drinking - legally - at a younger age. You could have saved yourself a trip, lol.
In general, yes. Anime tends to be guilty of the worst kinds of fan service: underage fanservice (esp. under 16) and fanservice in scenes dealing with sexual assault come to mind. There are other scenarios where it's not hinting at criminal activities, it's just out of place and gratuitous, like "di…
Whether or not you as a creator should ask for a critique depends on your goals. Maybe you create to express yourself or as a hobby, and you really don't care about developing a large audience. If you want to market your comic, getting an outside opinion from "the readers" can help you decide what t…
Hinamatsuri is hard to categorize. It was definitely better than I expected. The episode where she tries to celebrate his birthday about killed me.
It took me a bit to get into Natsume Yujin-cho, but it's beautiful. I'm still working my way through Mushishi, but that part with the eyeball
Fruits Basket (the newer one, obvs.) Spirited Away (I wasn’t even considering movies at first, but it seems everyone else is.) Midnight Occult Civil Servants (Oh, look, an anime featuring adults, lol!) Tonari no Seki-kun Natsume Yujin-cho The Eccentric Family Restaurant to Another World The Morose …
Has Tapas responded publicly at all? (in general, not necessarily about this specific contract?) As someone who gives money to Tapas precisely so that they can pay artists, writers, translators, and editors; I want some assurance that they are acting more ethically than pirates. If you can affo…
cough There are a few. A lot of them seem to be just "go on quests and fight NPCs".
I remember the weekday comics being in B&W, with the Sunday paper comics in color, so there's form in the western world. I'm not sure that the weekday newspaper is even printed anymore. I used to do old school photography (putting the film on the reel in the dark of the film closet, enlarging pho…
That could be fun. I'm not sure how the normal romance readership would respond to a slime romance, but the idea of an alternate NPC universe is interesting. I need character development and some plot beyond the action. Otherwise, it feels like a video game with extra teenage hormones.
A slime monster romance. That's different. Is the love interest also slime? Modern romance is less likely to stuff a bunch of non-romance in. Western historical fiction romances are more open to including non-romantic plot points, like war and murder. The trend may have shifted though. My Eur…
It's fine, as long as you have some romantic development and a romantic ending with your two leads. Genres are largely about marketing. Romance attracts a more female audience, although there are definitely male readers of romance on Tapas. But I've seen all sorts of plot points shoved into "Roma…
I would take this part out of the summary: "[It is a fresh and completely unexplored story] [I warn the readers that if you read the story, than you risk your heart being crushed with pain.]" The summary should focus on what happens in the story. Don't use the summary to tell readers how they will r…
Which is the truly tragic aspect of some of these plot lines. Yes, but it's different. In a couple, you have responsibility to each other. If you go your separate ways, that person becomes a smaller part of your life. You worry, but in a less encompassing way. I can understand the anger if…
I can think of a few reasons why Love Interest leaves Adrenaline Rush (I'm trying to keeps this gender-neutral). - It's early in the relationship, and LI decides this is not the life they want. - The relationship is established, but on the rocks. The danger element pushes it over the edge. - LI has …
The two covers are advertising two very different novels. Without reading your novel, I don't know which one is more appropriate. Going by your summary, I'm not convinced either cover is a good fit. Cover 1: I'm expecting violence, pain, gore, and possibly some rated-R sex. MC is probably some gu…
I personally do slow down when reading a webcomic with particularly good, unique art. But yeah, the internet is a medium meant for fast scrolling. As long as you enjoy creating your art, the process is worth it.
I would be cautious regarding Winnie-the-Pooh. The original illustrator died in the 70s, so those illustrations may still be protected under US law (UK is slightly different). Also, unlike these old fairy tales, there was a legal agreement between the Milne estate and Disney. So public domain may no…
Part of the issue is that the end product is a webtoon on the internet (the digital realm). Webcomics are read relatively quickly, so readers may not appreciate all the details in your work. If you were selling art prints, your audience would invest more time viewing each piece. That said, paying…
I agree with cgiverny. Ask yourself all the power questions that you ask when you are reading a fantasy work. You may or may not need all these answers in your work, but jotting them down will help you decide what you need to include. I would also consider: - How prevalent are powers in this world…
Long fights - Longer fights may be expected if the genre is action. However, you want to avoid sounding repetitive, so if you are running out of unique fight moves to describe, you may want to abbreviate. You don't need to spell each move out. Long chapters - Long chapters are neither good nor ba…
I suggest going back and reading older versions of these tales, so you know what you are working with. Disney has trademarked some words and phrases that might not be obvious. I would avoid any characters or names that originated with Disney. With Tangled and many of the other newer Disney films,…