

My main work is Urban Wolf: On The Run.

I'm just another rascal, don't mind me.

For me, I would say the most readily observable change in my main character is her moral standards-and mental stability-start to slip. She goes from shy, aloof, and unwilling to hurt anyone that isn't trying to hurt her, all the way to willingly dishing out death threats. By the third act of the s…

Hello! I'm a writer, and I'm possibly interested in taking on this task. Lucky for you, gritty action and even grittier urban environments are something I'm already somewhat familiar with! The supernatural elements don't really fully take hold until the third act in my case, but they're in the sto…

Hello there! I have seen your bounty, and I am here to deliver my terms! My main series, Urban Wolf, has 49 subscribers, so I believe my effort to be worth $10 in total... But I will be collecting ZERO advance pay! Send me your prompt when you are ready. Link to my series so you can check my sub…

You wanna get chewed out? I'm quite happy to oblige. Ew, basically zero usage of paragraphs. Ew, opening things with a protracted info dump with very little to spice it up. And to make things even more annoying, the info dump in part 1 doesn't even feel cohesive; it feels like the kind of thing a …

Hello there. I do, indeed, have a story that might suit your fancy as it does have a female main character (Though a lot of male supporting characters and antagonists are present). Unfortunately, it's also a very action-heavy story with a whole lotta blood so it might not suit your fancy (barring …

I'm gonna stretch the definition of 'anime-like' by a fair bit here, but I think Urban Wolf kind of fits the bill. It doesn't have the usual range of Shonen scaling or wild superpowers, but there's a lot of swordfights and the main character is a woman who's dealing with beings that feel like they…

I'm interested in joining, if you could use another writer anyway. DM if you want me to join in.

I'd consider joining along but I have literally no idea where you want to go with this story. You clearly have a direction in mind, so tell us more.

I like the concept of this thread a lot, actually. Here's my story. It's a Supernatural/urban fantasy with a strong focus on character drama and action.

My main story is a Supernatural/Urban Fantasy work with an emphasis on action and character drama. Also, I studied historical swordsmanship to write better fight scenes.

I might be interested, don't know how I feel about taking lead though. Do you have any strong ideas established already?

My main character fits the "Lone Wolf" kinda vibe... In more ways than one. More on that at the end of act 1, don't want to spoil too much.

Logistical concerns aside, I'm going to have a look at the opening for myself and tell you what I think. While I've pulled the trick of opening with a dialogue line before-it's a cool way to get into the rhythm of a section immediately-you kind of need to earn that with a little description of the…

In my case, the milestone is 100. I'm just at 45 right now, though.

OP described this dilemma perfectly. I think my main character's a little bit of a mess, but let's see if I can get a summary running of June, main character of Urban Wolf. First of all, she's a highly capable swordmaster. That tends to count for a lot when you're in a city with a bunch of drug …

When we're done, we'll enjoy your flesh like a well-seasoned rotisserie chicken. “Heeeeyyy, man, that was a hell of a show you lot put on there! Especially the female, she’s pretty cool!” “Oh, who, her? Yeah, she’s new to Dirty Diamond. Doesn’t even have a proper stage name yet.” “She’s stil…

Well... Guess it's hats off to the bull for me! Here's my little passion project, only 8 subs away from 50 at time of this posting: By the way, I had a peek at OP's first chapter. It's actually really clever and it definitely kind of hooked me, not to mention that her writing style has a coupl…

Hey, hey, hey. I'm miles away from being able to make pocket change at 100 subs, but why don't I throw a penny down this here well and see what happens? Urban Wolf is a passion project I've had in my head for years before anything hit the page. It's born with an eye to detail in terms of the finer…

Urban Wolf is both something that I feel definitely qualifies as a passion project of sorts, and actually my first full-length novel/story. Expect quality swordfights and serious grit(And before you ask... Yeah, I'm kind of a sword nerd). Addendum: I read the first chapter of OP's work, and it …

I guess this is my part of town, huh? My main project, Urban Wolf, has plenty of swordfights to spare.

Hello, I'm actually working right now with a guy who's trying to organize a zombie apocalypse-centered collab. The general idea is that it's about a bunch of survivors trying to make their way through the apocalypse. Let me know if you're interested.

Hello, My very first project, Monsters In Plain sight, would probably be a decent fit for what you're looking for. You'd have a degree of artistic license when portraying the monsters, which might be 'aesthetic' enough for your taste. Or maybe not. The whole work is 7 chapters but there's definite…

Hey. What would you be expecting of said writer? Script editing, bouncing ideas, actual full service writing, etc.?

Though it's more on a technicality (I would strongly identify it as more of a supernatural-ish than a true urban fantasy setting), I suppose Urban Wolf qualifies for the title.

The shape. The shadow, the entity, the figure, or better yet, use a clever metaphor that relates to the character's, well, characterization. Warp the entire prose to fit in with it, if you want to be extra thematic about it. While I'm probably of an older school of thought on the matter, I don't p…

Unless I'm genuinely embarrassed by the shitty production quality of my work and don't feel at all like cleaning it up, it stays up. For most cases, I define a failure as a story I can't complete in a way that makes me satisfied, IE it gets killed by bad planning or a lack of motivation. I suppos…

Hi! I actually have two different projects I participate in that I'd like to talk with you about, One is a WIP collab about a bunch of people in a zombie apocalypse, basically taking snapshots of individual characters as they try to survive, and the other is an ongoing webcomic where the main arti…

Finally, I've found the stamina to burn someone else to a crisp! YOUR TURN! First, font size. Wheels on the cart are like... Dialogue box, dialogue box, dialogue box, oh yeah that invitation slip in chapter 1. Speaking of chapter 1, god damn that's a lot of dialogue, and I don't even know what's g…

Some hard advice from Neil Gaiman: "If you only write when you’re inspired you may be a fairly decent poet, but you’ll never be a novelist because you’re going to have to make your word count today and those words aren’t going to wait for you whether you’re inspired or not." Full quote here. Anoth…

So you're telling me this is effectively a read/possibly a review swap, but you expect the other party to read 70+ chapters? Is there something about this that I'm misunderstanding?