Sketchbook Kid
Author/artist of Serenade Song
I like drawing and games, and reading comics!
Also, talking about yourself is hard, so I'm going to stop now.
I did this once for multiple books in the same series. You'd be surprised how few readers end up reading the second book. My suggestion would be not to create a whole new thing for it. Just make a single huge entity for the comic. ALWAYS make things as easy and painless as possible for your audience…
You'd need to start getting followers for that one too. I think it's just easier to keep it in the same series.
Do you mean to separate them, as a new series? Won't that hurt it's visibility?
A little bit of a story before I get into the main idea of this thread: Years ago I was taking a scene study acting class. The teacher gave us a scene of women (there were no guys in the class at the time) at the town fountain in an Italian village. He handed out roles. I popped an imaginary bab…
Coming from those artists I know who has patreon its usually a combination of these things: - An early access of the next chapter -- or it can be a sneak peak - Bonus Chapters/ Extras - Sketches/early designs - NSFW chapters/ Uncensored arts (if they're working on mature content) -And/or Exclusive…
I saw lesbian witches and somebody asking for comic feedback, you may as well have made a summoning circle specifically for me. [:rofl:] All right, so the main thing I'd say here is that this is a comic with a lot of potential that's really only lacking in polish. I do think redoing some pages up …
If this is the right place to ask about a possible new feature, I have a suggestion. I was wondering if the people who run this site ever thought about adding a feature where you could include a check box or something that lets you denote the first or last page of a chapter and then adds a table o…
Voted for yours! Here is my comic on there. http://topwebcomics.com/vote/20033
Slow. The average growth of subs is slow. You're gonna have to grind on your own social media if you want any kind of momentum. Slow.
Hahahahahaha hell no! I'm a gay woman from Northern England. I'll be neutral on politics when politics is neutral on me. If somebody doesn't want a political comic, they should probably steer clear of my work, which centres around the theme of power, how people use and abuse power and asks the qu…
What's there to teach? Take few planned pages (I began with threes, now trying to make it to to five pages a batch) and work on all of them simultaneously and iteratively. First thumbs, then sketch, then line, then flats, and so on.
I've been literally thinking this EXACT same thing when I saw your post. I know my lastest bout with depression is stemming from exhaustion from my day job and the fact I don't have much to look forward to. My creative side is pretty much my only outlet for how I'm feeling. I just want to be apart o…
I wrote a full lenght novel. (110k Words) in 5 months. while working full time, raising toddlers and studying for a Masters degree.
I realized I was spending too long reviewing other comics rather than working on my own, so for this one (and probably any other ones I do after this point) I read the entire first chapter and then skimmed through the rest of them. When I'm doing these critiques, I tend to jot down notes to help m…
It really is!! Being shy and/or anxious is so freaking hard and there’s no one-size-fits-all way of going about anything. Another beauty of a site like this being able to post and run - whether a new episode or in the comments. And that’s just a lot harder to do irl, so I’m very grateful for this …
Hello everyone, especially those of you who like me are shy, overwhelmed and frightened by talking to strangers online or people in general. I wish I was the kind of person that doesnt mind about sharing and resharing their work 100 times over until people catch on. I limit myself into quietly menti…
Okay. Don't take any of this the wrong way, but you've been posting threads like this for a bit of time now. So i'm going to add my two cents to do what I can to help you out with two possible options: 1. TAKE A LONG, LONG BREAK. This might seem counter-intuitive to what your friend said about g…
95% of the time, we put more pressure on ourselves than anyone else will ever put on us it’s so hard to attempt to live up to our own expectations. I honestly don’t have anything to tell you to help.
Let me just share one little thing. You’ve heard of flow state? I think most people have hit the…
First, be sure to save as a copy and turn off the layers if your editor doesn't need them [image] And then when the PDF options box comes up, there are things you can select to make the file smaller (some of which I've selected here, but the first drop down list 'Adobe PDF Preset' should cover mos…
It probably dissapears, as many have said. I started an edition after around 70 one-page episodes and post it as a new comic. Now I can post pages in groups and the old version remains untouched. I think I also got rid of about two thousand dead subs o-o Maybe consider doing that, even if you do…
Hello Everyone! The wait is almost over! After our recent site overhaul in the beginning of March, we’ve collected your feedback and worked tirelessly to add many of the features that you have requested. Some beloved functionalities will be brought back in order to provide a seamless reading exper…
If you want to feel better, check out Luke Pearson's work. It taught me that even a published author doesn't have to worry about remaking old episodes. His art changes dramatically with every issue of his graphic novel, and he just accepts it. It is nice to see his evolution. [image][image][image] […
Haha I feel this so hard being in the mid-tier! Especially when it comes to the 'recommend such and such' threads. And everyone lists really small titles, or extremely popular ones. And I'm here holding on to a shred of hope that someone would recommend mine too. I've had a couple instances where…
Currently, since I've been on the mends with my arms, my comic has been moving slowly...but I've never been one to think that my comic would explode with likes/subscriptions- and when it has at various times, I've been rather surprised about it as how the superhero type genre has never been widely p…
Oh! Forgot haha, working in batches can also speed things up. Just doing all the lineart in one go, then all the flatting, coloring, lettering, etc, you sort of get in the zone since the range of tasks you're completing is smaller. I can see it being even more efficient if you combine this with crea…
I did, It's excellent! It's a bit hard to display the print quality through just photos but it's very professional looking and does absolutely everything I wanted it to. The ink capacity is also incredible, have printed close to 50 color drawings and photos now and still only about 20% through the …
If you want to be able to print on your own kind of paper, and have your contact info on it, and are just printing small batches of sizes larger than 8x11 - then yes. If you have the money to sink into it. One of my friends is a paper nerd and she recently got some super nice paper that makes her pr…
I've only been on the site for ~2.5 years but as long as I've been here, tapas has always had premium content, so I'm not sure what you mean about them "going premium", unless you've been sitting on this problem for years! About a year ago, I noticed a drop after tapas took the "trending" feature …
I normally start with an idea of the beginning, the conflict, and the ending. Then I do rough guidelines as to the events of each chapter (or arcs, depending on how long the series is).
I agree that it's typical to deviate from what I've initially written! Normally, when I reach the midpoint or t…