
Syn Cypher

Outer Space

I'm a loquacious git who makes comics!

Nov 2, '16
Last Post
Feb 22, '20
Jul 1, '21
Trust Level

Salutations! I just read through your comic to get an idea of the "Pillow Shading" that you talk about here. First off, I want to say that you have a cartoony light-hearted style that, funny enough, is perfect for playing with different kinds of shading. It's also an enjoyable style that works wel…

He looks like he has a very important mission. Freakin' adorable. I've got a run cycle (though not nearly as cute, I confess) that I did for some of my comic characters I can show: The rest of the animations I've posted so far are like, small bits and pieces wrapped up in animatics. I do have …

Ooo this is awesome (the more cats the better!) I absolutely do! Mun is my main character in The Munchkin and The Goon! [image] All hail more kitties! :smiley:

Ooooh! I actually did themes for both of my comic portions for each character group! For The Munchkin and The Goon, I have this: and for The Awlers, I have this:

You're telling me! I used to come across articles by Dr. Clark; never imagined she was an Isekai fan, lol. @data4doc Doc, hah, what a place to run into you. I mean, I wouldn't begrudge you the enjoyment of Isekai or involvement with creatives, far from it. I'm just a little surprised is all, I a…

I've got a full spread. Number form, color graphemes for numbers and letters, sound-color, sound-sensation, smell-color, taste-color, (only one instance of OLP for the number seven and no other, oddly? XD) I also have a calendar year and week-by-week tracks in a 3D space and I can't remember what th…

Mine is rather literal and pretty simple on the whole. XD Syn- is actually just short for: Synesthete; I chose that since I am one and Cypher means code (and the number Zero). I spelt it with a "y" so it would match Syn. So my name works out two ways: Synesthete Code or Synesthete Zero! (Because o…

Youtube has been a lot of fun so far for me. Granted, I don't think I have structure enough to do tutorials of any kind, however, I love doing speed paints and animatics! I've even done my comic trailers there and that's been a ride and a half too lol. I say good on you for getting your speed paints…

It's not exactly Halloween themed but I know there's a skeleton running around in there somewhere: [image] Cheers, everybody! Hope your October is going swell! :smiley:

Oh man I love these! Speed paints and tutorial vids are such fun! (Both to make, and to watch haha) While I do have a lot of Speed Paints I also do animatics for whatever interests me (Hazbin Hotel, Be More Chill, my webcomic, etc.) so there's definitely a jumble of stuff I've got going on. Anyhow, …

Salutations! Well, I read through what you have and I've some feedback for you! In this I'll include both story and technical feedback so you can have a balanced idea of ways to sure up both areas! Since your story starts with your prologue, I will too! One of the things you have trouble with righ…

This page was definately one of my favorites to put together. :smiley: [image]

Ah I'm so glad I could help. It's totally fine to make mistakes, part of the fun of creating is to make them and continue to grow. I can tell you, I've learned more from my mistakes than anything so, they're very useful! I had a feeling you might have a different first language, which is perfectly f…

Okay, if you made it all the way through the last post, Kudos! :smiley: I know there was a lot there but I hope it was helpful! Now I'll continue with what I promised, we'll talk about the art of your comic. To start, I love that this comic is in color. Everything is very clear and easy to understand visu…

Salutations! Well, I did as you asked, I checked out your comic and looked at everything you have up so far. I've some feedback for you that I hope is helpful. I'm going to break this one up into two posts: One for writing/Dialogue and the other for art (that'll help compartmentalize stuff). Without…

WHoo boy I have not been in one of these in forever! Great to be getting back into the swing of things! Without further ado, my latest page: [image] You can check out the webcomic here, of course: Cheers, everybody!

I started writing my webcomic in 2008. I researched all the different facets of lore I was going to include in the work and then started doing research on different art styles to match them. Back then, I didn't know how to use digital art tools, so I developed all of my styles using traditional tool…

Well a "short" comic is relative to how much of a story you want to tell so, that just comes down to planning it out once you've got your poem written. I'd definitely say there is a place for poems and short stories though, and as long as you select the genre or tags as you go, I don't see a reason …

Hiya! Well, I checked out all the pages you've uploaded and I've got some suggestions for you! First off, hobbyist or no, you're conveying your story through art so, don't feel down on yourself for the things that you don't know art-wise yet, and don't feel like this doesn't make you an artist. You'…

Hahahah right? I always love that scene where Holmes realizes he's underestimated her while he's reading her note. It's one of the best parts of Irene's departure. Nothing wrong with using her moniker at all! Ah I've indeed subscribed, don't worry. :smiley: I'm overjoyed that my input could be of use to you…

Salutations! Well, I gave your comic a read and I figured I'd give you some feedback. :smiley: Before all that your username makes my day. Haha I have to admit I had a little chuckle when I saw that. Okay, onward! So, story wise I think you've got a good premise here, a young slave girl is rescued (even u…

Well the important thing is that you know it's all a process in the end and each thing you do as you go teaches you more. Like I said before, everybody makes anatomy mistakes all the time, on their good pieces, their pieces they might not be too happy with, on everything. You could find a piece of a…

This is a great technique to measure distance between eyes and keeping them evenly spaced. Did you know this also applies to the measurement between the nose and the eye as well? (There are a lot of ways eyes can be used to measure the proportions of the face). @nightwingwife I know it's hard to…

Awesome to hear! Good luck to you. :smiley:

Salutations! Well I checked out your paragraph and some of the feedback you received so far and I figured I'd expound on a few things. To start, I noticed that while Passive Voice was addressed, I wanted to expand on some of the examples so that, when you're in your editing process it'll be easier…

Ah you see, I thought they were two different characters altogether. So clarifying this would be very helpful for a reader. Okay so this is where your first paragraph begins: setup. You really need to sell this part so that, the suspension of disbelief is maintained. That's where your story tr…

Salutations! Well I've read through some of your story and I've got some suggestions for you! The first thing I ran into is the very play-by-play nature of each scene. Instead of feeling like I'm IN the shop, I feel as though I'm receiving a laundry list of things that someone who is trying to …

Salutations! Well I read through what you have and I've some feedback for you that might help as you go along. Firstly: You've just started putting up work and subs are slow to gather. It's not because your work is bad or something of that nature, people just have to get introduced to it and t…

You're most welcome. You're absolutely right it's harder with novels because the silent cues still need to be described and yet somehow still subtle haha. It's a balancing act for sure and don't worry, even if you don't have a lot of experience with novels now, you're building your basis for experie…

Salutations! Well I've read through what you've posted so far and I have some feedback for you! The first thing I'll say is this: Never start your story by having your character describe themselves while looking in the mirror. It's a cliche that tells your audience you couldn't think of a creat…