@haleymewsome Yes, don't take anything people say on youtube serious. The community there can be really rude. I've seen quite some cyberbullying there. I created a speed video for an old comic once and also got a really negative comment, something along the lines of 'who do you think you are posting…
Absolutely not. Like the person before me (and Rick Warren, apparently) pointed out, the standard of art is entirely subjective. But I don't think the goal of art should be to make it look like a photo. Drawing isn't an inferior form of photography. Just check out @Haleymewsome's work. It's not real…
Alright, if it's okay, I'm gonna give you a bit of tough love. If you don't want to hear any of this, by all means completely skip my reply. To ease you into it, yeah, I'm gonna relate to you a little bit. Comics are so, so hard to make a living in. And it's really easy to feel like you're "stuc…
Dude I'm sorry to be blunt with you but I don't know what you were expecting? Being an artist for a comic is an extremely time draining task, especially if the artist is solely responsible for the layout, lines, color, lettering, etc. I don't know what made you think that anyone would be willing to …
No problem! I love your videos!^^
Wow! I just checked your channel (didn't expect much to be honest) and was greatly surprised! You have gained 1 more subscriber tonight =D Thanks for the other sugestions too! @supercar97 Thanks for the sugestions! I have to check them out!
Here is a list of artists on youtube that I watch: Love Teacup Kisses JacquelinDeleon H.C Brown LavenderTowne Joy San Brandon Blackburn Juicy Ink BitterSweetNitemare DrawingwiffWaffles All amazing artists and great youtubers. I love watching their videos!! I also started watching this series ca…
Hi everyone, Saw this post the other day and thought some of you might be interested: https://www.facebook.com/FacebookStickers/photos/a.1206624672685654.1073741827.1206554206026034/1480364655311653/?type=3 I have no affiliation to the post. Just thought it might be something cool. Faceb…
From this post, I got super curious over everything, whether or not to apply for hiveworks, and I finally came to a conclusion and thought I'd share everything that I've come across! Hiveworks: They promote themselves as a publishing company, but their guidelines to apply are /very/ vague. It also…
This is probably not going to be a post you're going to be upbeat and cheerful about. I'm sorry. 1.Sometimes all the hard work in the world doesn't help. I know that's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's true. Sometimes something you've put a lot of effort and love into just doesn't connect with p…
I can't, but I can prove you right [image]
My kickstarter ends in about 8 hours and with only 25% funding I am pretty sure it will not succeed. But the good news is that during my time working on this project I saw that there are people interested in the series. 25% of my kickstarter was funded which is close to 600$ that is amazing consid…
Those upset about the election results shouldn't move to Canada, they should move to the swing states and at least try to make it go their way come next election.
No. People are too quick to say things like that in the heat of the moment. As others have said, Trump's own party hate hims, so I expect the buffoon to be kept in line the next four years. To put it another way, no he will not undo gay marriage/label muslims and other minorities/build that stupid w…
To be fair I think most people aren't as concerned for the actual president as much as they are scared of the people that voted him in. They don't want to be around when the hate crimes start increasing.
I'm quite fond of @haleymewsome 's Unfamiliar, but I see she's already mentioned it herself
If you want a literally - strong - female lead, you could check out ours. No-Good Heroes
I thought it would be fun to share pictures of the spaces people create in. This doesn’t have to be limited to a desk, it can include the whole room, or maybe you create in several areas. I converted my apartment’s modest dinning room into a studio space. This is where the bulk of my work gets don…
Your space is so beautiful! That large window and natural light! Plus all the natural hues and lots of trees outside! So peaceful.... "drooling....."
We're mostly against this idea because its so hard to make it unbiased and non-hostile. Look at LINE for example and the whole down voting issue. We do not want to see Tapastic become LINE where there is so much competition and negative vibes. That just detracts from our site and community as a w…
All right, hopefully as one of the older creators on this platform (or so it feels like) let me tell you - when I spent a long time especially in a competitive Arts Bachelor (Animation) comparing myself and wondering where I would be and who I would be employed before. Now I've been in the industry…
Either be a BL webcomic, or, as a few have mentioned, post consistently for over a year. I was not a believer of the year thing at first, but that changed a few months ago (which was around my first year of posting my comic.) I think subs kind of come in ebbs and flows, at least, from my experienc…
@haleymewsome The positive I love the style! The characters are interesting, and very expressive. The backgrounds are also lovely. There's a beautiful storybook feel going on here. The critique Maybe try different perspectives and more contrast. The colour palettes you use seem to be very paste…
I'll respect your beliefs, @keac, as long as you respect mine - or my lack thereof. : ) I know and get along well with people of various religions, and I don't question their beliefs, and they don't try to evangelise to me. It should be pointed out, though, that you (and the article-writers) migh…
Few things are GUARANTEED success in this world. Careers, businesses, marriage, raising a child... Best to aim and dedicate ourselves to the things that make life worth living.
'am type #4 because i draw comics since the big bang and 'am kinda sick of living as the first 3 types and seriously wanna earn a living from doing this
I wouldn't call a comic with say 250, or even 500 subscribers 'incredibly popular' and if the number was capped at 1000 subs eventually the 'incredibly popular' comics would be thinned out as they reached that number. So you wouldn't be FIGHTING them, you would essentially be 'climbing the ladder …
it's not really a bizarre dream, but i think hoping to make a living off my comic is a really big dream lol. i know they say don't expect to make money off comics because it's rare, but it's still something i dream about and hope i can make happen with a lot of time and a lot of effort. also i thi…
I have to say that I love your color choices a lot it adds a cool feeling in the comic!