I really don't feel like this response is fair. OP is saying they want more direct instruction, not that they deserve better grades or critique. And I think it's pretty wild to say that wanting the instruction you're paying for at a college or academy make you lazy or untalented? I get really goo…
Yeah tipping is a huge help! But also, just getting your work an audience has a value beyond money! These days it's very difficult to get something published if it doesn't already have some interest brewing online. The fact that Tapastic offers any cut of the ad revenue is actually pretty unusual, m…
I love the tipping feature! It's actually seriously helping me out financially. I'll definitely try and spread the word! <3
That's how Unfamiliar started! I drew Planchette in different cute outfits and I just kinda liked her design. I started trying to make a story for her because I realized I really liked drawing her, and I was really missing comics. c:
@Kaykedrawsthings @Michelle I've run into this a ton at my school, too. For some reason, even though only about 20% of the students are male, almost all the successful alumni they bring back are guys, and I keep finding out that my male classmates are getting all these weird opportunities from the t…
I have tipping active. c: I'm Haley Mewsome on there too. My comic's Unfamiliar~ I've been very lucky to have lots of generous tippers already <3
Well I have 15k here and 90k on Youtube, not sure if that helps? :0
I got it too, couldn't find anything on them. Google kept trying to correct it to 'mystery comics' when I searched for mestory comics haha.
Thank you!!! I'm aiming for 100k by the end of the year! >w<
Aah thanks Maxiachan for including me in this list!!! ;w;
I go to an art college where we're encouraged to use MacBooks, but two of my classmates are using Windows instead. They also happen to be the only two people who have had catastrophic crashes and losses of assignments haha. It should also be noted that customer service and repair services for Appl…
I make those kinds of videos actually! My channel is here. I usually watch Baylee Jae and Draw with Jazza because they're top performers in the art niche on Youtube so they're pretty good for 'market research' haha. I used to just make speed paints but voiceover videos brought me -way- more success.…
Unfamiliar is at 36 pages currently, working on the 37th now. >w< Been at it since late August, so about 3 and a half months or so.
I'm more concerned with the view count on each page, making sure that people aren't losing interest haha. I'm happy as long as the view count per page is equal to or greater than my sub count, so for example, I have 12.4k subscribers currently and all my pages except for the most recent two have mor…
I know this is kind of a contentious practice but when I was first starting out with Unfamiliar I made a cute little thank you image I would post on subscriber's walls thanking them for following my comic. (its best it you type something personalized too so they know it's genuine and not spammy) I d…
Oh my gosh I'm barely alive at this point, I have 4 final project critiques starting tomorrow, all of which have been underway for months so the pressure is -so- -intense-. I haven't missed any updates yet but my mind and body are starting to fail me haha, I keep getting sick and I can't really slee…
Reuse assets! Seriously it's so helpful, anytime there's like, a poster on the wall or a shelf with a bunch of stuff on it, draw it on a separate layer from a straight on view, then just use the transform tools in photoshop to fit it back into whatever scene it needs to be in. Not only is it easier,…
I think the biggest benefit of print is that it is more accessible to people who don't spend a lot of time on the internet. I know several people who are outside of my age demographic who consider themselves big time comics fans and never read webcomics. There's large swaths of people (hipsters, you…
I've been pretty chill about this so far, Unfamiliar is being translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian atm and all I usually ask is that they send me a link to where they're posting it, so if anything seems off or something I can contact them about it and get it resolved. Idk if that's the b…
oh my GOSH I can't believe how amazing those plushies are!!!! Haha omg Britta's holding her 'I am a lying junkie' banana that's amazing (Community is my go-to show I love it so much)
I make Youtube videos! Coming up on 100k subscribers aaaaaaa ;A; )/ It's all like drawing challenges and drawing advice videos. uwu
They rejected Unfamiliar right before I started posting it here. ;w; Tapastic has my undying loyalty now haha. Not many sites give you total freedom -and- a cut of the ad rev. Plus, I feel like the interface here is so much more appealing for a casual reader? Like, having an account, being able to f…
I haven't had any on my comic yet, but I have an art Youtube and... Well, it's Youtube. I posted a video a few days ago about coloring mistakes I used to make, and as a result a guy started calling me a rude, mediocre artist over and over every day for like 4 days, and it actually really got me do…
I have this every time I post a comic page or a Youtube video. ;w; I'm always scared that everyone's going to be disappointed or unsubscribe or leave a rude comment, even though it so rarely happens for some reason I always worry about it. ;x;
I have a lot of ways! Here they are! Youtube Ad Revenue Tapastic Ad Revenue Patreon Commissions Selling T-Shirts (with Tapastic c:) and Prints (on Society 6) And I'm going to start streaming on Twitch soon too which can be monetized I hear. Doing everything at once can create a pretty strong i…
I'm always torn about working on projects for free...what kind of agreement are you under? Like do you get a paid if it is funded? Is it percentage based? I'm so curious about these kind of arrangements.
Mine is at expected levels, but I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. There's always ups and downs in this business, just trust your story and keep working. c: It looks like your quality is still good and you're updating regularly so you aren't doing anything wrong imo.
What a great way to look at it. c: I would love to hear about what you're learning from comixlaunch!! Turning art into a career is such a wild endeavor, super rewarding but also extremely terrifying. I'm currently trying to make that leap from partially relying on art money and fully relying on i…
Flag/effigy burning is purely symbolic, it's not violent. Here is an overhead shot of one of the biggest protests against him, and also a link to a video of a protest, you can see they're marching peacefully, not hurting anyone or destroying anything. When I finally found the video you were talking …
What?! Is there any credible source of that type of protest? Where are you getting that information? I've seen a lot of footage of the protests and I definitely haven't seen any fires or violence. Sounds a little fishy. :<