
Kasper Swain


I'm a professional Comic Artist & Illustrator! I currently work on Midwinter in my free time and work as a freelancer.

I tend to really like the charming, intellectual powerhouses with a compelling story. Something where you can understand what got them to that point and even sympathize a bit, but ultimately the end can never justify their means. Bonus points if they're tactically minded, have strong ties to the pro…

Loved reading all these and seeing all the range there is~ My current goal is to make a livable wage off my art through a combination of my comic, merchandise, and freelance. I'm 7 years in to building my career and I'm "full time", but scraping by really... I'd need to at least double my income b…

I think it's more similar than you think. We're often blind to our own styles, so it's common to look at two things of ours and think it looks SO DIFFERENT when really, it doesn't. Like yeah, I can see you trying out different techniques and stylization, but that's normal. I wouldn't worry about c…

The short answer? Don't reboot it. You said yourself that this is a recurring problem for you, where you scrap it all the time. If you keep starting it over it'll never get finished. It's better to finish something and move on than to regurgitate the same ideas and try to make it work several times.…

Oh, I absolutely put a lot of thought into my covers. It's important if you want to sell your work! I admit I might overthink some of them though... Since I print my comic, I do both issue covers (about 40 pages) and volume covers (200 pages, paperback book). With the issue covers, I can get away …

My man, Nox. :heart: Did a mix of illustration and comic pages! [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] He's a bit older than your average protag~

imo, it depends wholly on dynamic and maturity level. There are plenty of couples with that age gap (as teenagers!) who meld together just fine and can be in healthy relationships. Can a 19 yr old take advantage of a 16 yr old? Absolutely. And the risk is higher the bigger the age gap is. But that's…

It really is just another medium! The flexibility and technical aspect of digital can't be overstated, but all those details are irrelevant in the beginning. I would definitely just draw, experiment with brushes, see what every tool does, etc. Pick through the tool and menu options and see what each…

The inking does a lot of heavy lifting in those styles! As long as it looks interesting as just lineart, it'll look interesting with flat color, too. It speaks to how well the characters are designed as well. If you feel like your art is missing something without shadows, try putting in more lines…

What about coloring makes you hate it? It's possible you haven't found an efficient way yet or a style that you actually like, or just that you haven't built the skill so it's frustrating. Usually if I'm coming up on something in my comic that I hate or feels tedious, I ask myself "How can I make it…

I had a scene where my main character who dresses in a lot of accessories was fighting in a place with a lot of environmental effects and had sustained injuries, so I had to keep track of drawing all of this on every character shot: -oxygen filter -earrings -rings x4 -watch -shoulder wrap tattoo -…

You managed to capture that balance between simple and complex that makes a design just work. Your color palette is limited and repeated in the right places, it's readable at a distance, the pose is pretty natural, and she has good energy. Basically, she looks solid without it seeming like you were …

Collaboration is a means of bringing in each person's specializations into one project. Going in solo means you have to work extra hard to cover your faults, if you recognize them at all. Working with people that excel in the places where you falter elevates the quality of the work as a whole AND de…

Somewhere in this thread you mentioned that you don't read any comics. That's going to be your biggest failing--if you want to get better at creation, you need to consume it. You become a better writer, a better artist, by looking at other works and seeing how they do things and how they impact you.…

Here's something that might help with expressions! It was my go-to for a long time. I think your problem right now is that you have a lot of the generi-expressions she talks about. As for the dialogue, I think it felt repetitive especially…

I admittedly only read Ch0, but as I've done more of these I've given them more of a chance so I'll go back to yours and read more later today. :thumbsup: I try to write morally grey characters a lot too, and I think it can definitely be tricky. From the little bit I've read, it felt more like his morality…

Thanks for the feedback! Can you clarify which fight scene you mean when you say it could've been avoided? I'm assuming you mean when he fought with Garrett (the unicorn boy), but I wanted to be sure. And yeah, the fight scene energy is a known issue! Definitely working on improving that. I think …

Honestly, now that it's all actually UP on Tapas, I think it'll be fine if you don't revisit it or at least wait awhile until you really feel the need to. I think I would've lost interest had you asked us to read it before the reveal happened, but I was able to stick it out because I was interested …

Hey thank you! I absolutely agree about the tropey-ness of the first chapter. Ironically, I am also really not a fan of starting out with a fight scene! But we were new writers and saw the advice everywhere so we were like, "welp, I guess this is how you get people interested right??" :joy: I'm glad chap…

I'm just gonna go up the thread by several posts and do a handful! I hope it helps. @denaliah The art and concept are really cool, but the dialogue and characterization are... odd. I think you got a little too repetitive with the whole hero complex of the protag, he just comes off like an entitled…

I think this happens in any field. If you're in a creative profession, you understand the effort that went into it, how recording and posting a paid show can be harmful, and how interruptions impact the person performing... so you're more likely to be considerate of it. All it comes down to is how c…

Ooo, your comic is great, you just gained a new subscriber from me! Awesome stuff! Welcome to Tapas, I hope you have a good time here! And good luck in your schooling too, I'm so envious of people who are able to get actual education in the field! :smile: I don't have any schools that offer degrees for…

Oh, I don't have a problem with heavy questions at all. I guess they sounded more like anxiety questions, which in my personal experience, can ultimately drive me mad instead of being helpful. I totally understand wanting to talk about it though. But no, I don't think your style suddenly changed d…

This may come off as totally rude, and I apologize in advance, but I see no difference in your style from page 1 to page 3. :sweat_smile: Maybe it's because the harsh shadows are covering it up, but really I see nothing discernibly different. Just like someone else said, there's harsher lighting, and that's re…

This is a bit of a tricky situation for all the reasons mentioned earlier in the thread--it's a little harder to fund something brand new if you don't have a lot under your belt as proof that you won't abandon the project. That said, Kickstarters are an excellent way to raise funds for people just…

Honestly, if your sketches are relatively clean, you can just use those as your lineart too. I see some people go through several sketch layers when they don't need to. I go from messy af stick figure person to a refined sketch, which I just clean up to make my lineart instead of taking the time t…

Honestly most people (sans creators, perhaps) read on their phones nowadays anyway, I don't think it's a big deal at all to change it!

I know you haven't responded to me directly, but I wanted to let you know that I've been in your same exact spot. Stuck feeling like I'm not making any real progress and that I need to just take a leap of faith. I'm in the middle of that right now, in fact--I've literally decided I am not taking a n…

Hey man, I know you probably have the best of intentions, but this is straight up a bad deal. If you have the financial security to drop your job and only rely on Kickstarters for your income, great (though boy howdy I would lower your expectations). You might even be able to find an artist that i…

I'm gonna be "that guy" and actually say I prefer your first one :') I feel like an ass, but it's way more interesting to me and I get to see the characters and their expressions. Plus, ending on that head shake is gold. Of course, this is from someone whose first look of your comic was this page.…