

I'm a one-man artist team crafting comics about handsome men and cute animals. Big fan of manga, Fromsoft, survival horror, and more :slight_smile:

A few months ago for my friends birthday, I made an animation titled Happy Birthday. My crudely drawn animation took two days and countless hours of researching anime birthday scenes. I initially thought she would hate what I did and I effectively ruined her special day forever. Anyway I sent it to …

Thanks man! Good wishes to you too man!

My bill at the convenience store came out to exactly $10 today.

INTRODUCTION Hello, I'm I'm_a_moron (yes, not a typo lmao) and I've been a webcomic creator on tapas since 2015. This is mainly a discussion thread about a thing I've noticed and it both makes me feel catharsis but also a little uneasy. It's in regard to working on webcomics and my struggle as a w…

1) a blue chip household name company stock 2) a very small company you believe has a chance on becoming big one day... No savings accounts or putting it under a mattress or any 3rd option. What's better between the two?

Answer yours below! I'm curious to hear how far people are into their comic. For me, I'm 23 out of 196 pages of script into my comic (124 pages) so I'm about 11% through right now. It's taken around 11 months to get there, so I'm very happy with my progress [:hype_01:] Although this does mean it'l…

Assuming you have the best boss and coworkers... Has to be the job itself. I can't do the following jobs at all... Police - I'd be a soldier first before police. Too much gray area decision making and legal liability. That and I'm too libertarian to be a cop lol High school or college teacher…

Hy!!! Thanks for your sub!!! Lets going to take a look of your awesome story!!! [image][image][image][image] Hope you like KOH TOO!!! 🥺:green_heart:

I have it happen here and there that someone unbsubscribes and it always makes me feel really sad. I wonder why people unsubscribe and what makes them do it!? How are your expereinces/opinions about it?

Being a comic artist is literally the coolest job ever. People will read your work, gives you fanart, and had discussions on the series for decades even. Ahhh I wish for a day to hold my own comic book in my hands. Manifest this for other aspiring artist as well! :relieved::sparkles:

I have a question for artists I have been curious about lately is it harder to draw people or animals, or does it just depend?

So I love to design covers and find it very challenging to fit stories and to be candy to the eye. I have changed so far twice my cover (numbers 8 and 9) To help you help me: Genre: Dark Fantasy, +18 due to gore scenes, violence and sexual crimes. The goal of the story is around a couple who e…

It's for whatever people want to do with it (remixing, recolouring, comic dubs, making their own merch, anything :D) Now I just need to make more comic so people would actually want to do stuff with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha by 'open source' I basically just meant I make my working files/'source files' (with all the layers and stuff) available for free :stuck_out_tongue: Idk if 'open source' is the correct term for that, but I thought it fit XD Plenty of artists do make their source files available to the general public as patreon…

Okay, so this sounds like an overly grandiose pipe dream, but I want to inspire people and make them feel empowered to take the future of art into their own hands. To prove that we as creators and audiences have the power to make good art happen, that we're not at the mercy of big corporations and w…

I want my stories to make people happy I wouldn't mind making money off them either, but I created my comic simply to spread the story I wanted to tell.

What is the ultimate achievement you wish to accomplished with your skills? Why are you currently doing what you are doing right now? :thinking::thinking:

Just wondering- how have y’all been able to keep up the energy for working on your comic? It took me about a year to complete my first chapter with some pages taking a week and others a month, due to both depression, being in school and having a part time job- How have some of y’all been able keep u…

I am someone who deal with health problems and depression. I will say, remember that any progress is progress. Finding time to make anything is going to help you than just avoiding it. However, you should also not work yourself until you crash. School work or making sure you are well rested befor…

What would you have done differently to your art and your comics? :thinking:

I feel like it needs to be clarified that playing a musical instrument is definitely an art skill

I had to make a new account because I'm a ninny muggins, anyways please drop your links here so I can watch you. :mag::eyes::popcorn: Here is my new lonely looking account = I haven't been on the site in a few years. It's all changed. :sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

I've always been the type of person that when I want to do something, I do it until it's done. It's like a nagging in the back of my mind or an itch telling me, "you could be making something cool right now" or " if you start now, you'll be done sooner." And I've always been thankful for this thing,…

I'm kind of similar; if there's something I want to do, I just have the itch to do it and it just kind of ... happens. So I've never really understood people who say "I want to do X but I don't know how to start". I've experienced "I have to do X but don't know how to start" or "I feel like I shou…

It would be great if we had something like the instagram analytics u_u

I was changing my tags a while ago since I thought they were slightly off, but, talking about the 10 tags that Tapas allows you to use... Do they actually help the comic be found? Are those tags just used for extra information when someone clicks your comic? I'd like to know your thoughts about t…

Advertising and making ad graphics. I am fine drawing the comic, the whole process is enjoyable for me, but advertising is a pain in the ass. Absolutely hate it, and I'm super bad at making ads, can never figure out what to show that would be appealing, give an idea of the story AND give enough r…

Vampire Space Opera. It's already in the description, though.

So recently I introduced myself on a Discord server and this is what I wrote: I like to draw vivid, immersive backgrounds and write pretentious 3deep5me shit So my question to you is this: If you had to sum up the core appeal of your work in 1 or 2 sentences, what would you say? :]

I’m real curious to see how you guys get over your anxiety of a new project, sit down, and make the first page. Did you just wake up one day and start sketching, did you make thumbnails for the whole chapter, etc?