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Jul 2024

It's Art fight season again, and last year I did 115 illustrations in a month, so it being that time of year again I am feeling a twinge of insanity in the core of my being (a part of me wants to do 100 more this year, but I have other priorities rn). Y'know, that insanity where you go "I bet I could make an animatic in 2 days" or "let's do a game jam" or "how about I just do any old incredibly intense work spanning from 2 days to 2 months to decades, possibly leading to personal injury and social isolation" I feel a similar compulsion whenever I go hiking.

IDK what it is, I'm not sure if everyone experiences it, these bursts of insanity can only really occur if you aren't worried about your basic needs being met, and you have a fair amount of downtime. Which is a pretty slim demographic these days. But y'know, 30 day drawing challenges exist, NaNoWriMo exists, I think these are just the madness written large.

Share your most audacious or recent burst of madness below! Not just comics or writing (I consider bingewatching to be a similar level of insanity) it can be any project that you pushed yourself to do in a truly ridiculous timespan. My most recent endeavor was a 21-page comic in 2 weeks (for my older brother's birthday!).

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 7


  • 368


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  • 12


Everyone who decides to make comics... or just go into art in general... has a screw loose. It's the realm of the spicy brain.

I don't know about the madness but I know about bursts of moments where I can definitely do more than usual.

feel like the latest instance was me churning out several wips for illustrations over the course of the last two weeks but at the same time spending several hours desperately hunting for rare ores and starstones in palia for a quest which i actually somehow pulled off at some ungodly nighttime hour xD

ngl tho i envy the artfight folks coz it looks fun and this years themes are right up my alley but i'm a big baby about trying to commit to those kinds of big events since i'm a lot more used to sticking to communities of folks i already know butt it's definitely awesome seeing all the crady detailed stuff people are still managing to cook up so i can at least enjoy it in my own way :sweat_smile:

Yes! Very compelled! Did my Last Train entry in less than a month, which I didn't plan on-it was supposed to take all through June, nope. And I often spend hours doing random good/bad illustrations of my chars (and not publishing a single one, which is a shame :frowning: but they feature future scenes/spoilers, so maybe not all put to waste. Currently attempting an animatic trailer and a standalone fight seq (w/AI voices, lol) and both are challenging and more interesting than my actual comic rn.
Of course, the problem with my ambitious "insanity/mania" is that it jumps from thing to thing, and I lose passion/steam on one ambitious project and head right into another. Least I'm actually publishing a thing online, which I would've never thought of doing a few years ago.

I'm staying away from ArtFight, not just because I don't know how it works, but I'll either lose myself into all the work or burn out of drawing, and we can't have that. Maybe next year?

I'm also itching to launch another story, but I fear I'll do myself in if I start it now, so I'll wait a few months--again...
With me, art chaos never ends!

October 2023: I think I'll do this month long art challenge where I draw a prompt everyday.

November 2023: I think I'll try this writing contest where I have to come up with a new story idea, write thirty chapters, and make a cover for it by the end of December, even though I'm starting about a month into the competition.

May 2024: I think I'll enter this comic contest, even though I've never made a comic.

July 2024: I think I'll do artfight this year.

I'm also writing a three part fantasy book, have two WIPs, and I'm making character art during all of this, so the insanity runs deep with me. Keeps things interesting, at least!

Elsie just wrapped up its first season. Guess I could call that crazy.

And then I add this guy.

YES when I get really into a fandom I'll drop everything to just draw fanart or write fic :joy: It's... The Brainworms™...

I'd love to be someone who just does my original projects without getting so distracted but I just have to accept that I'm also a big fandom nerd lol