16 / 17
Aug 2020

I'm wanting to get more helpful feedback on my webcomic, and would also like to help out fellow amateurs in the process.
If you reply with a review of my comic, and a link to yours, then I will read at least 15 minutes worth of yours and reply back with my own review. And you can review others posted in the thread as well, let's help each other out. Of course those who don't have a a comic are still free to post a review if they like

The only request is to play nice. Only offer constructive criticism, don't be rude about it.

This is mine:

I'm looking for feedback on style, story, and overall episode flow. If you don't have time to read the whole thing, I would suggest reading the first episode then taking a look at the most recent ones especially as there is a big jump in quality from the beginning.

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Aug '20
  • 16


  • 1.1k


  • 8


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  • 6


I will gladly review your comic since I binged it a few days and subscribed as well.
I found it on one of the comment threads while stalking, I mean lurking around.I love the simplicity and the colour scheme. You have been able to portray your characters in such a way, that' its not only cute but can hold the reader's interest. What really appealed to me were the little information tidbits at the end.Also I' definitely be trying the ram horn towel one of these days.I tried it that day but I messed up a bit.

Also this is my comic which is slice of life and Rom com


I'm a subscriber too and I gotta say that I love how it's both cute and funny as well as educational! The box of text explaining a bit about the culture is always really fun to read, and kinda makes me enjoy this more than if it had just been the comic :heart_02:

@drcharlotterodricks Thank you for binging and subscribing! Let me know how the ram horns go!

I read through your whole comic, and I love seeing the progress in your style as you go along. Especially the added use of colors! You're giving us a small look into your relationship, it's so sweet!

@SagaHolmgaard Thank you for your support! I'm glad that the ending notes are informative, I think (hope) that there are people interested in learning more about Korea and intercultural dating.

I've read your whole comic of what's posted so far. I really love the style you have, it definitely has a personal flair to it. Each character design has distinctive traits including body types and faces, so it's easy to tell them all apart. I feel a lot of comic styles (including mine, lol) suffers from same-face or same-body syndrome, but your style definitely doesn't. I especially love that you have strong female characters.
I look forward to reading more!

Oh, thank you! I've definitely always enjoyed drawing different faces and body types, glad to hear that it's noticeable :grin: What I really like about your style is that it's really stylized, with the wide faces and the skinny legs. I usually lean towards more "realistic" proportions, but I really admire people with a really clear simple style. I dunno if I should call it cartoony or chibi or just really, really simple, lol. But that style doesn't come naturally to me even though I enjoy it!

I read some of your comics, and skimmed past some.

If I'm being honest, I don't think this is for me. I'm not that interested in learning about other cultures that much, but for someone that does, I would recommend your comic to them. I really like how you color things. Also, the lines are neat, which is always something I look for. And it seems like you know what you're talking about, which is also good.

If you want to look at mine, here it is:

The character design slightly changes over time. Also, the first two comics are redraws.

I really like how your comic is structured and enjoy way you also educate reader first in fun comic segment and then with real-life note. Characters and your style are very cute and it makes it more appealing.~

I have a critique on lineart, through. I noticed this happening:

Bc your linework is rather thick, this makes comic look less clean and more amateur. I don't know if you're using drawing tablet or not,but this can be fixed with going over finished lineart with eraser and removing those small ends. It will make your lineart look cleaner and controlled.

I like your insight and certainly will comeback to read it till the end.~

Here is my comic, it's not as fun as your, through. :sweat_01:

Although I'm not a fan of the slice of life genre. This is pretty enjoyable to read. I do enjoy the couple from two different background scenario that try to find ways of connecting with each other. I did enjoy some of the cultural facts and things you like from Korea very interesting. That was what I liked about it, now here is something I found at fault. While some people would find the art work cutise I happen to find it more tolerable. That is if you don't count the jaggy lines. But then again, you did say your later work has improved. Overall, a fairly decent read. :smiley:

So now that I've reviewed your comic could you do the same thing with mine?

@Fuzzyman818 Thanks for the review! I understand slice of life isn't for everyone. :slight_smile:

I've read through all of yours. It reminds me of old slapstick cartoons like Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, etc. The short comic strip layout makes it really easy reading. I can see your art improving from the beginning to end, and I'm sure you will continue to improve as you go. I would be interested to see an introduction of this world, why red and blue are in battle against each other?

@lidiash Thanks for the review! I'm not sure if you read my more recent episodes, but I've been working on improving my style a lot, it's not perfect but it's getting cleaner than the example you used. I'll try to pay a little more attention, I might be missing some overlapping lines still.

Moving on to yours.... your artwork is so amazing! If I could have 10% of your talent I would be so happy. T-T The story is also already very captivating. I also like how each of your characters have a very defined language. You can really see their personalities. I've subscribed, can't wait to see what happens next.

@DiscountedArtist Thanks for your honest review. I understand my comic is kind of for a niche market, so not everyone will be interested in reading it long term.

I've read through all of your series. I like your simple drawing style with colors to distinguish your characters. I also like your straight-to-the-point gags, especially since I tend to drag my episodes out too long. There are a few where I didn't catch the joke well, like the "Air sip" one . I had to google "air sip" but maybe I'm just a bit old and out of touch with some things :sweat_smile:

Well, I haven't really considered building on the world of capture the flag. It's mainly to keep my readers entertained. To me, the comic itself is a metaphor for things that would not always go as you planned it. It's something that we all encounter in our lives.

But as for the reason for the conflict in general, it's in the name of the strip. The flag is the center point of the fighting. Without it, there is not conflict.

I think I may have gotten too deep on this one. :smiley: