20 / 91
Dec 2019

Title says it all but i'll explain it here anyways :smile_01:

From time to time i see all you wonderful people in the forums here and everyone has a unique username.
Though sometimes i see certain usernames and think: "i can't even imagine what that's supposed to mean :sweat_smile:"

So come and tell me (and others) what your username means! You can also tag a friend if you want to :imp:

I'll start with myself! The origins of my username might be a bit corny but they're based on the traditional and chinese horoscopes. Which in my case are Gemini :gemini: and Dragon :dragon:. I just mashed them together and voila! The username Dual Dragons emerged!

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Azzy came from "Azure" from my other usernames in other sites - IceAzure, _InsaneAzureX, and - I still go by this username in other sites - Azurebluuu/azurebluee. The IceAzure username came from when I used to play Growtopia, lmao.

The "-m" part is the first letter of my surname!

TBH I could say that there's no special meaning to it. I've been having a lot of name change before I was online (I'm kinda living under the rock before making this name), and really the past names were the one with meanings on them. I just kinda made this name when thinking of making my email, and I came up with this. It was supposed to be a crow previously, but then I thought that raven goes better with silver. I don't really remember the detail of me choosing this name but I like the simplcity(?) and kept is as my permanent pseudonym.

(sorry this wall of words ended up mean nothing lol)

Lin is part of my name.
Xiao comes from Chinese character [ĺ°Ź] meaning small/little
Long comes from Chinese character [éľ™] meaning Dragon


My username origins came from highschool. there was a kid i knew was in a class with a girl who was named "Bobby Joe" and thought it was hilarious. at this time, i was redoing my youtube and decided to put the name in. ever since then, i been using it as an online alias

this explains everything, sorry, i was messing with google translate one day and "Xiao" kept coming up in the mistranslation. now i know what it means and why XD

It's just an artistic name I invented for myself, which is "Junie Thunderlight". June or Junie comes from the month I was born in while Thunderlight (Thunder+Light) is a reference to my first preteen years, the time when I got my electric superpowers and started saving the world.
You might see here why I like roleplaying and making comics in my free time.

Phoenix Renaissance is just an old title from an abandoned fantasy story I was working on. Both words have a theme of rebirth and I had big plans for it but the story itself got too overcomplicated to save. :sweat_01:

Initials and birthyear.. that's it lol

I used to have usernames with more meaning though! They were based off of lyrics from songs by The Devil Wears Prada (it was a bandom/ scene emo thing at the time), my favorite was some variation of "I'm no one's hero, so just forget my name" from Born To Lose turned into im.no.ones.hero and im.n0.0nes.her0 :sunglasses: I've since changed those usernames on all my socials, but idk maybe someone else has taken it by now somewhere else lol

It's my "serious" pseudonym.
Serious in the sense that I use it outside of my online life as a creator, and could actually consider legally changing my name to that.

Mine is.. simple x'D "Abel" is part of my name "Isabel". I'd rather have Isa as a name buuut I didn't think it'd stand out so I went for this one.

I still have to get used to this username tho. I used to go as "deal-right" or "dealdraws" for many years prior to this one, but since that's my oc's name... A change was due lmao. I didn't think I'd ever have the guts to actually draw my comic so I used it. Now I gotta deal with the consequences

My username is a variation of a theme I like to use with my internet names over the years. I try not to get into detail though, I do that exactly to avoid people just finding my account through searching on places I want to be on my own.

Harmony S.

Harmony is for my love of music and how it helps me both emotionally and creatively :headphones: :musical_note:

S. Stands for Shakespeare who is my favorite writer and who drove me to become a writer in the first place :writing_hand:

@375 Tell me what your username means because I'm curious :smirk:

It doesn't really mean anything :thinking:

I made it up around the same time I was doing a big rewrite of my comic's story, and gave it the current title (which I could explain but won't because spoilers... so it's more like "it does mean something but I'm not going to say what"). Then removed vowels to make it look "cooler", and so, frgmnt was born.

Mine's actually sort of a family handle from my old CB radio days. My grandfather was known as Uncle Jake for decades and when he bought my mom a CB she tried going by Bumble Bee but everyone called her Baby Jake. When I started trolling as a kid, I just referred to myself as the Kid Jake. Thought it sounded cool and hung onto it.

I just love mysteries/detective stories, particularly Sherlock Holmes, so what better name to take than the woman who beat him?

Penni was the name of my main toon in World of Warcraft when I still played it. :sweat_smile:

I should also mention that I was used to being called that I didn't hesitate to take the name outside of the game :joy:

Elyss is part of my pseudonym Elyss Rein. It's a combo of my favorite name and the way my real last name is said in Japanese. (I took Japanese in college)

When I was in high school, I was super nervous and didn't introduce myself a lot. So when I went to the tech campus for extracurricular stuff, I didn't at all. A girl asked for my help but didn't know my name, and went with 'Paul', thinking it was my name.
It is not. I did not correct her. And so, I was now Paul, and remained so to everyone in that tech campus until the year ended.
Used it instead of my real name on the internet because the internet scared me when I first started out, but now I really don't care. Didn't really commit anyway; Devers is my real last name anyway!

Just simply named to promote my comic XD nothing special.

A long time ago I watched an anime where one of characters was named Kannabi and I liked the sound of it so much I started using it online. It got shortened to Kann over the years. xD

I just came up with it on the spot when I decided I wanted to stop making edgy ass user names so I made a name so nonthreatening and devoid of edge, Free mints. The 30 came from the number of my old Hotmail account.

I used to have a magical girl comic called Butterfly Rose back when I was in middle school. The name of the mystical queen who gave the girls their powers was named Queen Mariposa. I've since dropped the story, but kept Mariposa as my mascot. When I made a 2nd DA account I couldn't use the same name so I changed it to Butterfly Empress. There are some sites I'm on that use the Queen Mariposa though.

Indigo is my favorite color and I always drew my avatar in an indigo colored deep v-neck shirt. When I was 18 I wanted to re-brand since I was make more social media accounts for myself (previously my account on deviantart was just my initials and a few numbers). So I went with IndigoShirtProductions. But that's a pretty long name so I had to shorten it to IndigoShirt or IndigoShirtProd on some places. Ironically I don't have a shirt of that color nor do I have any experience in making shirts. In that way, the name is a bit misleading :sweat_smile:. Also my personal logo is based off my avatar:

I had to go through many passes before I got it right.

Mine's a reference to two of my favorite superhero writers. Otto comes from Otto Binder and Gruenwald comes from Mark Gruenwald.

I think it explains itself, but for those in the cheap seats
it means I'm and idiot who has a pencil

Neko is Cat in japanese and Yasha is demon. Like Inuyasha, but with Cat xD (thats what i Hope what it means xD)

First initial, last name. It's really that simple. I couldn't afford to get that creative, as I already have print comics published with my name on them.

A long time ago, I wanted to start an art portfolio site with that name.

It was based off the old phrase "everything but the kitchen sink." The idea was that "NOW the Internet has everything."


My username does not have a unique meaning (I don't think :thinking:). The name Sienna came to me in a dream, lol. I create content so...createsienna.

Spud = potato
fuzz = cat

The two things I love most, brought together, in the most beautiful way:

wnqs = winged neo-queen Serenity 'cuz Sailor moon was one of the first mangas I read and long-running animes that I watched :smiley: It was the name I used on a Sailor Moon chat room waaaaay back, too.

Mine is based on my real name. Gabbie comes from my middle name, and Wolf is my actual last name. Though I'm sure that the fact that I use a dog as my profile picture might make it seem like Wolf is made up.