I write and draw a comic called 'Behind the Sofa' about the aliens and monsters of Doctor Who and what happens when the cameras aren't rolling
Behind the Sofa
first page, you say there are 4 types of magic and then only list 3
after waking from a coma, Duggan is pursued by mysterious agents. Could Carlos,an old enemy- turned friend help Duggan work out why the agents are after him. what about the aliens who are his friends, and what deep dark secret lies behind his eyes?
i think i got you all beat:
ok doesnt make a lot of sense, can you try and rephrase?
sign them up for loads of mail order catalogs? while they are sat at dinner have them mess with each others food while the other isn't looking (emptying the salt in their water) the UK TV show 'Friday night Dinner' has some great examples of pranks between two brothers. they have insulting nick name…
thanks guys, not really what i was talking about. I am talking about digital formats for distributing full comic books, like you would buy from comicxology. I use perfect on a tablet to read comics: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rookiestudio.perfectviewer&hl=en i was hopin…
not keen. basically you are relying on web access and a 3rd party to allow you to make comics. What happens if they suddenly shut up shop? or suddenly start charging you ? or remove tools or characters? theres no reason why you couldn't make your own characters in say synfig or inkscape and rig th…
here's a page i finished last night. [image]
one good thing that happened to me today was I was shortlisted for the School Library Association (UK) Information Book Award 2018 for a book I illustrated
here's mine: mostly i like shorts:
I just started new comic with aliens and mysterious Agents in it
I ended up going with the title Consensus Reality . first 3 pages are up with an update each Tuesday. Thanks for you help everyone!
at the moment, Really loving Peaky Blinders, Hard Sun, Inside Number 9 stranger things, Only Connect, Taskmaster and QI
how about chapter 5 in watchmen, Fearful Symmetry has symetrical page layout ( so page 1 is the mirror of page 28 etc) you can find out about it here:
i found it very confusing first up the narrator is in the room with 2 other characters, Angel and Nova there was a chance to show something of the character in what they were doing int he room, instead of saying instead 'they did what they want to in my room' angel could be sat on the bed reading a …
looks promising- I been watching your 100 days of comic series on youtube!
what am i looking at? i know its a humanoid based in the shape, but what are the stripes on the head? shouldnt we see the characters right shoulder as well as it should match the perspective of the buildings should there be other people around, or is this character in an abandoned city? also i th…
try making the arms a little shorter and pudgier his right arm looks very long and thin. I would also look at the hair. maybe style it away from the face to emphasize the large forehead to help sell it as a toddler how about adding a couple of lower teeth i think the extreme cheek works better for t…
I'm not very good understanding how sports work but how about this for an idea? how about a player being signed for a professional team. this player uses their natural talent with baseball and works hard to further his skill. he does not consider it showing off that he can always hit a home run …
i would rotate the runners so it instead of rocking the crib side to side it rocks back to front, right now, it looks like it could over balance really easily
I am an identical twin I am scared of mice. I passed my driving test on the 6th attempt for a while, I loved in Italy. I love bananas that are nearly black
there seems to be 2 pages here. i think it was a bit confusing how many people are actually playing football. for the first page it looked like there are only 2 people playing football here. the third person is in the first panel but because she looks so similar to the player in the check shirt i r…
I recently became a parent. As my child grows, I would like her to read picture books i have written for her. Time is short these days but once i have finished my current work load, I would like to start on some picture books
On a normal page of Behind the sofa I write, draw ink, colour and layout the text within 4 hours However the current story I am working on. a page can take a couple of hours to work out the layout and rough in pencils, a couple of hours to tighten and ink , 3 or 4 hours to colour and an hour for te…
oh and dont forget that date structure is different than american dates. we would say 7th November (7/11/17) as opposed to November 7th (11/7/17) Sorry OP if this is a bit of an information overload!
! get out of town! I live in Cambridgeshire these days!
ha, maybe its because I work in an office with people from all over the world incidentally, I wonder if it would help the OP to know where about in GB wed are from? I am from the Black Country ( example of the accent are the TV shows Peaky blinders )
Actually, I think a good way to write British dialogue is to use British spellings. Colour, centre, criticise, favour, that makes even generic text subtly different from say any Americans in the page also I would avoid using too much slang. there is a risk of it coming across like Dick Van Dykes …
my approach is similar to shazzbaa. I plot the story, break it into chapters and then break each chapter into a number of pages. each page of script is a page of comics. I break the page into a number of shots so each panel is a shot ( long shot, clue up, Extreme closeup) once I have scripted a c…
oh i like Re-remember - I think I could do something with that- mayb e re:member?