I was never contacted when my comic was removed from the app : ( Only found out months later by someone else telling me
lol, from experience, possibly. Tapas can ban your comic from the app and then not tell you. My comic Puppeteer has some nudity. It's not at all sexual or graphic. Examples: [image] [image] Anyways, yeah my comic was removed from the app, and I didn't realize. It was still up on desktop as …
Make me remember that my comic's on the front page rn, first one under Spotlight. Been there since December, and I've probably gotten like, one comment since then lol. Looking at my October stats I got a grand total of 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 subs and 40 views for the whole month. You're totall…
A general guideline is 1 patron per 1k subs, though some comics have more or less, depending.
I was in community picks on tapas but I didn't know until my friend pointed it out to me, so they don't always tell you Webtoons never tells you if they promote your comic in my experience. Even if you're in the recommended comics where the image is a screenshot from your comic, they pick the scr…
I'm a little biased, but seconding Webcomics Garden!
I'm using the most up to date version of chrome.
It led to an error page on my browser. I'm not sure what 'up to date' means but it is possible I just missed filling something out on my page? I'd send a screenshot but tapas seems to be down right now.
[image] Ads don't fit!
No idea man. Probably 95% of my subs just came from bring featured on the front page. I've promoted the comic in a few other ways but since I don't have much of a social media following anywhere else it hasn't done much.
No, they can't. There are no profiles on webtoons. I don't think that tactic of participating in commenting on other webcomics works on webtoons, they're pretty light on the community engagement aspects of their site.
I have the opposite power: the ability to get lost anywhere, no matter how familiar or small! Once I got lost in a corn maze for over an hour after everyone else had already finished and ended up escaping by walking through the corn walls and then around the entire outside of the maze back to the…
The thumbnail is really lovely. I like the colors and the unique angle and pose. If I'd just ran across this, though, the writing in the description would've turned me off. It's kind of clunky and hard to understand. The writing in the first chapter is similar. The combination of the formal style…
I don't think you have an unusually low number of comments for the number of views you have per episode. You seem to get around 100-200 views and around 2-5 comments. I get very similar numbers, if a bit lower on tapas. But I have a lot fewer total subs than you (<200), which indicates to me that…
I highly recommend TJ and Amal.
I think of BL/GL as being usually light, kind of unrealistic, and targeted towards a female audience. I'd say Always Raining Here is an example. I would say that BL/GL are LGBT romance, but LGBT romance that isn't BL/GL I would think of as less trope-y, more mature, and targeted towards LGBT peo…
I second the thing frgmnt said about the lineart! You need more contrast in your pages. Right now it kind of looks like everyone is in a snowstorm. Your characters are cute, don't be afraid to make them stand out.
Well, once I spelled a character's one letter name wrong so I pretty much had to go and fix that. I fix typos and small drawing errors and such. I did redo one of my first pages because it kept bothering me, though. It was too cramped. Better to fix it than to keep worrying about it leaving a bad …
Hi, I just noticed a few things in you comic and wanted to point them out. A review of mine would be nice but you don't have to if the comic doesn't catch your attention. The first pages look like the art and the comic-making were done by two different people. What I mean by that is the art looks …
If you enjoyed drawing it it wasn't a waste. A hobby doesn't need to be functional or make money or be shown off to other people for it to be worthwhile.
My experience contradicts a bit of what other people have said- the first time I was put on the front page was not soon after I started but rather after 9 months of weekly updates. Also, at that time, I only had about 200 subscribers. And I'm page format, not scroll format, and did not promote my we…
What a great article! Thanks for taking all the time to write it up. It kind of feels like a shame that this will be buried under all the other forum posts after a while. It'd be really cool to see this permenantly linked on a blog or writing website or the like.
I don't know if Q$As about specific comics would do well. Those might be better off done on the actual comic. It's simpler, only people interested would see it, and readers would be more likely to participate if they don't have to follow a link to the forums. But if someone successful in webcomics…
Having a bunch of dead subs that don't like or comment will probably hurt you in the algorithm more than help. If anyone is willing to pay for views/ subscribers, they'd be better off looking for legitimate companies to place banner ads with, and get real people subscribing.
This is such a fun and interesting idea! I hope you find your writer. I really like the concept of a workplace comedy that explores a weird, niche profession. I'm not applying to be the writer, but I'm down to help you workshop your ideas! And art, too! Maybe through discord or something? I've…
Comic tea party! Webcomic book clubs, comic storms, critique and general talk about webcomic creating. It's pretty active. Webtoons canvas! Very active (almost too many people imo). Webcomic-specific discussion channels, general talk, and a lot of webcomic readers as opposed to only creators. …
Yeah! Sometimes being lazy and trying to get rid of things you hate in your process can lead to you developing your own unique style. Like Panda there's one part of comic making I never really liked- making precise, smooth lineart. So I used a loose, sketchy style for my comic and chose a fuzzy…