240 / 488
May 2016

Granted. But you can only teleport to random locations like the moon, or an active volcano

I wish the next person, could only type with their eyes closed

Granted. I hit each key as I blink.

I wish that transparent woman would stop floating over the foot of the bed...

....that's kinda clever
Granted. You are now that transparent woman, have fun with that

I wish that the next five people, had to type backwards

Granted, you are now a slug and can comunicate with all species of slugs (they don't obey you though)

@Akamasuta voshxdaemon just forgot to corrupt the wish, people just have to type "backwards" that I technically just did.

I wish for the next person to die

Granted. I come back as a ghost and haunt you for the rest of your life.

I wish I wasn't a ghost anymore.

Granted. You're now a zombie.

I wish I can wish for something without it getting corrupted.

Bad luck for you. I already tried that one

Granted, but you lose the game

I wish that
1. everyone else had to type / speak like 1966 Batman and Robin
2. I was excluded from the rule
3. The wish could not be canceled by another wish
4. That i could modify this, incase someone manages to break it

5. There is no hidden clause in my system Ha Beat That!

Granted, but eventually the batman and robin voices get to you to the point that you commit suicide, and the effects of your wish are cancelled by way of a hidden clause in your system. Surprise!

I wish my cat would stop climbing on my keyboard goddamnit

Granted, your cat now climbs on your monitor
I wish I was more motivated

Granted, you are the most motivated person in the world... for 1 second and now you're lazy again.

I wish I had good luck for as long as I live.

granted: you will know a life time of luck, but everyone around you will have none at all and drive you potty moaning about how bad their luck is.

I wish for a new judge dredd movie

Granted, but it is only produced and sold in Tristan da Cunha.

I wish that the world is doomed for destruction and those who live are trapped in eternal madness of the great daedric lord sheogorath.

Granted, but you have to finish EVERY quest in Skyrim in order for that to happen.

I wish for a sandwich.

Granted, but your sandwich is disgusting

I wish, that my previous wish wasn't ignored
And that the same applications still were enabled

Granted, but your attempts at playing god fail miserably, and the effects wear off immediately.

I wish for Akamasuta to have a fish for a head (< u <

Granted. You get diarrhea from eating her.

I wish that I was the very best, like no one ever could.

Granted. But your name is...

I wish for this to happen, an infinite amount of times. Until My wish is the best
1. Me: creates a wish
2. Person A: Tries to Corrupt Wish
3. Person B: Makes my wish better
4. Me: celebrates victory
5. ...repeat until everyone gives up

Granted but everyone now can't follow any other orders except corrupting another wish.

I wish I had a delicious sandwich.

You Die from overeating all the sandwiches and no other sustainable foods.

I wish my virtual villagers stopped dying.

Granted, but all the real life villagers in the world die in their place.

I wish sunscreen wasn't so oily.

Granted, but now it has an unbearably disgusting smell, which attracts birds.

I wish I had a bike.

You get a bike, but you fall off onto an arrow and you can no longer ride it.

I wish I had 3 wishes.

granted, but with each of them you lose the 3 most precious things in your life

I wish for a death star

Granted. "Death Star" is the name of the incredibly mediocre Death metal band that your parents hired to play at your birthday. At least it's better than clowns..?

I wish for a delicious salad.

You get the salad but it was the last meal of your measly life.

I wish for a official ship between Pixel and Gamercat.

Granted, except it's rule 34 Fanfiction.

I wish I could eat sweets again without getting sick

Granted. You got to eat all the sweets you want without getting sick, but instead, you got a heavy case of cavity and all your teeth are ruined.

I wish I have all the time in the world!

flash you are turned into a sloth so now time is a hell of a lot slower to you!

I wish i could stop burning pizza when i cook it.

Granted, but they were all dedicated to making Mario naked.

I wish for ice cream (It's hot down here!)

Granted but it's so hot that the ice cream melts instantly and falls to the ground.

I wish I had one delicious sandwich. (Gonna keep wishing for the same thing XD)

Granted, but that ONE sandwich was so delicious that after eating it your taste buds changed and no other kind of food could ever satisfy them anymore. Even your used to be favorite foods taste like dirt in your mouth.

I wish I can learn any other language in 1 night.

Granted. You learn Cthulhu speech, which drives you insane.

I wish I was a llama in a great big llama world.

granted you can run and be free as a lama......until hunting season!

I wish our planet had a better name Earth just sounds like mud!

You obtain cat after cat after cat, and then you become addicted to cat and catnip causing you to go to rehab and they are unable to fix you. You go insane and all your cats die.

I wish I could even.

13 days later