Akarichi Dono
I like to write stories and draw,English is a bit broken as it is my second language
it really depends with dreams,cause i got a ton of small ones to and one dream that i been working towards for 7 years.
I like it,its pretty cute and looks like it be quite a fun story.
Kinda yeah,i felt many things while drawing. But one thing won't ever go away and that is disappointment in my own work, as it feels like it won't ever be good enough. I really don't have much faith in it,or my self so it kinda shows in the art as well.
Created a fictional comic con just for the Easter eggs,will add a few in prologue.
I been working on my story maybe for 7 years,but only now i am actually getting somewhere. But it was not an easy road to get there,it had countless revamps and changes to the point that story is entirely different to what i had before. many word files and plenty of art just get the ideas down. The…
i dunno,being a villain doesn't sound to bad,people do all the work for you. have enough money to waste on pointless schemes or even have amazing magical powers. get to troll whoever is trying to stop you
I prefer to plan it out,the last time i didn't it took years to see the convoluted mess it became without it . I learned my lesson of newer ignoring the world building ,that affects the story greatly.
i just use baby name sites mostly
It really depends how i fell a given day,on a good day it takes a day to make a page. on a less good day only few panels or some writing
[image] A little guy that will appear quite a lot in the story
For me it took years to get anywhere near a story that feels completed, it went trough countless remakes and changes before it was anywhere near a clear vision. Even now it's still changing,to reach the vision that i have for it. Only advice i can suggest is to organise your ideas,and and write a l…
they will be dressed up in the flashbacks,because they have to be in style while doing evil things.
Since the story hasn't reached prologue yet,only Halloween things will be the villains from the backstory parts.
To some extend yes,since it makes it more easier to write the protagonist.
I had a world inside my head,that was more of an escape from reality.that's basically it
I reread it constantly,since English is hard. So there tends to be mistakes as well it also gets affected by any and all changes made to the story world. It can change on a fly,for smallest of reasons like the text size is not big enough or the colour of the uniforms don't look unique enough.
Not particularly,Inari doesn't have a great time throughout it.
I take a picture of it,and put the traditional art into an obscure place to be forgotten about. it be nice to remember the cringe,later in the future
Memory Days-nonsense,magic,wish Akashi Breaker-friends,firepower,magic
Akari [image] -airhead -not very good at anything,maybe like one thing. -lost or confused most of the time -can be to emotional -gives up to soon -worries to much -overthinks everything -hypocrite sometimes,but refuses to admit it -night owl Elliot [image] -gets into fights -two faced -s…
[image] red king's castle
When ideology takes the centre stage,and everything else is just an afterthought.
I prefer the script,its more easier to plan ahead the story. And can add drawings for the mayor scenes if needed.
Sounds like the crazy neighbour is the real problem here,since it be hard to think clearly. with a nutcase threatening to kill you. it kinda makes sense as to why you would be on the edge most of the time,well its my theory anyway. I do hope that comic stays,its fun to read it with each new update. …
My art style is a mess Backstory [image] environments [image] the actual comic art on a good day [image] At the moment i don't really know what style I want to pursue.Only that i want something vibrant and at least a bit realistic
I like the nonsensical ridiculous plot,and enjoy drawing charterers going on adventures.
I don't really mind,marketing is fairly hard for me. Plus most of my stories have a bit of a broken English,and the actual story that i want to publish is still in the progress of getting made.